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Legends of War: Patton's Campaign

Old Blood And Guts is back and raring to go in Legends of War: Patton's Campaign. After a year and a half in development at Enigma Software Produtions it's time to press on and disclose what awaits you in this latest entry to the personality-based series.


Combining high-level strategic management with turn-based tactics and role-playing elements the game will have you assuming the role of the charismatic general George S. Patton during 35 missions, going from Normandy to Berlin in command of the Third U.S. Army, starting on D-Day and pushing ever onwards, with units carrying on over from mission to mission, if you do your job right.








• Sequential Story based around historical missions allowing the player to experience real events and to alter the course of history as General Patton.




• 4 Operations with different missions including: attack, infiltration, defence, sabotage




• 2 Single Player Modes (Campaign and Play Mission)




• 2 Player Hot-Seat Multi-Player – use of Campaign Missions allowing players to experience both sides of the war, Head-to-Head!




• 5 difficulty levels




• Over 53 different historical based unit types with authentic weaponry split between German and US forces




• Special Units, including Snipers, Commandos, fighters, bombers,...




• RPG elements allow the evolution of units and Patton as the campaign rolls forward and experience is gained




• Video cinematics depicting the evolution of the campaign




You'll fight under all conditions - during different times of day and different seasons, in cities or in the country, facing infantry, armoured vehicles and aircraft, all the while enjoying the luxury of sophisticated graphics and full camera control.




We were told there are over 25 hours of gameplay in store here and a high replayability factor given the varied approaches possible.




A definitive release date is not yet known, but we'll be sure to keep an eye on new developments as they happen.

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The tactical elements were reminiscent (at least in looks) of Silent Storm. However, you've got tanks and vehicles to command too, not just infantry.


The PSP version was well-received, and hopefully this should be bigger and better.

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