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C Toxin


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We had a recent discussion about this on the old forums, so if I remember correctly, you need to interrogate every possible type of alien available except the queen.


Off the top of my head, check the following list and see if you have them all:





Brainsucker (including the brainsucker pod)


Alien eggs (those pink bags that spit at you)

Chryssalis (usually side by side with the eggs)


Hyperworm (Just capture the multiworm and you'll get 4 of these)

Micronoid aggregate (you can get these in the first alien building or alien bombers)




You also need their corpse autopsies as well.


The Queen Spawn is required to advance up to the anti-alien gas grenades and rockets.


The only alien you won't need is the Overspawn.


Oh, and Toxin-B, if you haven't. Can't have C without B eh? :)


I think that's the lot, not sure if I missed anything.



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I've never had the Alien gas grenades or the rockets :grey:


The first time through, I played on easy setting and beat them whilst they were just developing Devastator Cannons (I was finishing the game with Disruptor Guns at that point) and the last time I played it was on Superhuman.


That last time through, it was Dimension Missiles all the way :) All my agents had the X-COM Armour (Marsec flying body piece of course) and TWO personal sheilds to survive the alien barrage (and a teleporter each if they knew what was good for them!).


Poor aliens never stood a chance :)


But yeah, that list looks right as far as I can see. Toxin C is good stuff! Stick your men on aimed shot and even a Megaspawn will turn into a lump of lard in a few shots! :argh:

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There is the added advantage that when you suddenly find yourself surrounded by a horde of aliens (i.e. by teleporting or you walk into a room packed with aliens), an AG grenade dropped to blast on impact or 0.25s is terribly effective.


The pit in the final building has plenty of skeletoids floating about in the centre, what a great place for the Ugly-Pink-Cloud-o-Doom™. Probably die of embarassment more than anything... :)


And, it's odd but, AG rockets can destroy the laser field generator thingies in that mission as well. I don't know why, but they do. It's rather puzzling.


Speaking of which, can you get the alien queen before the maintenance factory? The one with the tall green-pink pillars that you have to destroy. The alien stop rebuilding their UFO's after that building's destroyed.



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Well, in my opinion, an android armed with a stun grapple. To them, the Micronoids are just green puddles.


Stun grenades won't work, and I think it would take forever to use psionic-stun.


The best place to capture one is in the first alien building, but if you can shoot down one of those green alien bombers, you'll find a number of them in there too.



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I thought you needed the Queen Spawn interrogation in order to get C-Toxin.


Try to isolate one of the micronoids and shoot it down with stun grapples and something weak... lawpistol maybe? If it's the last alien, this will make the whole process quicker... if it's not, then you could kill the micronoid. So... figure out which way you want to go when you see the alien. :)

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Nope, don't need a queen for toxin-C. You do need "The Real Alien Threat", which you get from the micronoids though. The queen just advances the toxin into a gaseous form.


My suggestion would be to have an android with dual stun grapples pound at the micronoid on full auto for a bit until it stops moving. If it doesn't get paralysed, then whip out the law pistol.


Once its immobile, check the overhead map to see that its red marker is still there. If it is, hurrah. Get the android, or another soldier to stand on top of it for the rest of the mission. This'll keep it knocked out for good.


You might want to try capturing a few more just to increase the chance of actually capturing one alive, in case some die from critical wounds.



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Yes but it isn't just any old puddle of goo. It's an alien puddle of goo! I guess it would work on the princip[le that the cells all work together to form a micronoid. This is the purpose they are specifically used for after they are extracted or however it is they are gathered together.

Thereforea as the micronoids no longer have a larger organism to leech off so to speak they rely on the existence of the other organisms in the micronoid for their own survival. Therefore when a certain amount of these organisms have died the aggregate as a whole can no longer survive...


Now going back to the queen. I thought the building which contained the queen was after the building that builds UFOs... And besides when I started attacking the alien dimension I didn't stop once. I went straight from one building to the next and destroyed the entire dimension in one go.

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Actually, it's the maintenance facility that's responsible for constructing UFOs. The building that grows the mushrooms that will eventually grow into a UFO isn't, which does seem a bit odd. But I suppose they have a huge stock-pile of mature mushrooms, so it probably doesn't matter.


I'm not sure how to describe the facility, except your targets are these great green pillars with pink insides, and there are large pit areas where there's a lot of megaspawn wandering about. The whole map is greenish. At least two or three of the target objects are in the pit and a few orange spawn pads surround the pit. Almost like an alien engineering bay. Perhaps the pillars are used to hold up the UFO while they work on kitting it with engines and what not?


Can anyone offer a proper name for it? I recall it being called something like 'maintenance' facility or some such. A building number would be nice too.




Major update: Ignore all the above: It's the control centre that lets UFO's get reconstructed every week. This is the building right after the maintenance factory.

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OK, alien queen for gas, gotcha. :)


With respect to the "maintenance facility", I thought that was what it was called... Try poking through the PCX files for the encyclopedia if you aren't that far in the game... or we could just wait for someone who is to look it up. :)

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Don't forget, with stun grapples. That's the most important bit.


All aliens need to be at least below 80 health[1] before you can stun them.

So you might want a low power weapon to hurt the micronoid a bit if the stun grapples can't paralyse it.





[1] I could be wrong about that figure, but there is a certain health limit aliens need to be below before you can knock them out.

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Actually, from past experiences, I've seen that their paralysis can only go as high as the stun weapon you're using against them.


So if the stun grapple deals 80, that's all it'll be able to deal. Otherwise, you should just be able to use multiple autofired stun grapples on the queen until it passes out. Sadly that's not the case.


From experience, and plenty of mind probes, the paralysis never went above 80 or whatever the stun grapple power is.


But that could just be for the queen, maybe a test on megaspawn and psimorphs might clarify matters a bit. Oh, and plenty of mind probes.



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Lol I don't know how old this topic is, but I've got some input if anybody ever sees it.


I captured the alien queen using stun grenades. I just had 1/2 of my force (12 guys) throw 2 stun grenades each and I had the other half cover the two transporters. I never fired a harmful shot at the queen.

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I captured the alien queen using stun grenades.  I just had 1/2 of my force (12 guys) throw 2 stun grenades each and I had the other half cover the two transporters.  I never fired a harmful shot at the queen.

Welcome to the XTC forums Asmodai... :)


My case too ... I only used a grenadier though (threw 4 to 6 grenades IIRC)

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When I have time, I think I'll go and test the capacity of the stun grenades on the queen. I realise all my tests were conducted with stun grapples.


Did you throw the grenades simultaneously or did you just keep applying one whenever the last one started to wear out?



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I realise I shouldn't be replying to myself... but anyway:


Right, made conditions in the spawning chamber just right to test the queen. With the help of XED, I stripped the queen's spit attack so I could freely perform the test without fear of retaliation.


I threw multiple stun grenades at it concurrently, dealing more than 640 paralysis points in total (the queen only has 600hp), but it didn't go down.


Mind controlling it (these soldiers have *ahem* illegally enhanced psionics. For testing purposes only! ) showed the paralysis indicator at approximately 1/10th its health bar.


I then threw one stun grenade after the other to keep a fairly consistent cloud of stun gas around it. After spending all my grenades, which took some time, it was still conscious. Mind controlling to check the paralysis level had a similar result as the last.


Hmm... My opinion[1] remains. But what do the rest of you think? Perhaps the testing method could use a bit of an adjustment? Thoughts welcome.




[1] Which is: To stun a creature, you need to get its health down to a level below the stun weapon's maximum damage.


Silly bit of info for the day: Did you know that Megaspawns can actually 'run'?

The AI doesn't usually do it, but if you somehow get control of one, you won't be able to use its guns, but boy can you get it to run.

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