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Help! Screwed up palette in collectors edition.


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I have recently bought X-com collectors edition and, after learning of the garbled graphics, downloaded the bugfix. The result? The graphics were fixed, but the palette remains glitched. Strangely, the Geo-Scape is fine, but the battle screen is couloured in reds, yellows, pinks, and greens. Yeah, and the battle was in the north pole. I have no idea how to fix this, but help would be appreciated. My system is a Windows 7 Ultimate, if that makes a difference.

I hope that this problem can be fixed.

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Try shutting down all programs (especially those running in the system tray). A few programs can corrupt X-COM palettes for some reason so it's best to turn almost everything off. I've had this trouble with MS-Excel and IE as well as some anti-virus software. ;)


Usually I get both Geo and Battlescape palette corruption. You may have to wait a little bit before the Geo gets corrupted from a tactical mission, but it eventually happens. :)


- Zombie

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While in battle, hit the ? icon, try messing with the firing/scroll speeds there (I guess that's what you're talking about?). Can't remember if you want to set 'em high or low in order to slow things down, so experiment and see what happens.
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