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My rookies are getting owned!


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Hello all,


Been a while since I played UFO and im kinda gettin' my butt kicked.


A month into the game and sectoids are using big guns against my rookies!

Last mission I managed to grab some alloy and a plasma rifle but i havnt had time to research it.


The situation report.


Sarge, got takin out 2 steps off the ramp. a nice morale boost followed. :P

Rookie #1 turns and caps the baddie with auto shot and takes him down.

Rookie #2 loots the corpse but doesnt make it back, he takes a blast in the back.

Rookie #3 likes to play scout and runs out, two stray plasma blast get some crew inside.


After mending everyone. checking equipment one last time getting ready to dismbark. I have 6 rookies left so I figure im good to kill some sectoids.


Leaving the plane and positioning my crew and ending my turn.

Scout #1 breaks toward the crash, rookie's 2&3 run cover, while the other 3 secure the area.


Soon after the enemy is in range, 2 rookies die outta no where. reaction fire??

scout 1 takes one in the chest and lives! but my only med packs were with the rookies who just died. :(


Next round my scout dies from wounds.



Now for my problem, I had to save it... dont ask :dead:

I cant beat the mission with only 3 rookies with rifles!! I've tried many many many many times. :(


Should I just start over? Or should I go uber stealth and killem all in 85 turns? Or maybe just pick up that heavy plasma thats sitting on my ramp and take off calling it a failure?


Help! Thankies :(




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By the sounds of it, you're playing at night. Check the skyranger thread for tips on how to prevent that. :(


Use cover. Use it heaps. Find some nice walls to hide behind, and then wait for the aliens to come to you. Your reaction fire is fairly effective against the sectoids - so long as you don't run out of ammo.


If you can grab those med-kits, great. You might need them.


Finally, if you think your about to walk into an aliens reaction fire, throw a grenade. It's cheesy, but it should work. :P

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Finally, if you think your about to walk into an aliens reaction fire, throw a grenade. It's cheesy, but it should work.  :P

Cheesy? It's not like the aliens are on the endangered species list... (until Cydonia, that is)

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He wants to complete the current mission with his three remaining troops... Rocket tanks, while very useful, are not an option for that. :P


What sort of mission is it, anyway? If it's not a terror mission, bailing might pay. Heck, even if it is terror, you might like to hightail it.

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Are there Cyberdiscs?


If no, then you can complete the mission. It'll be hard, but it can be done with a bit of luck and some patience. Just be very careful and don't rush too much.


If there are cyberdiscs: do you have high explosives or large rockets? Or even proximity mines? If not, run. Grab all that you can and then dust off. If you do have such devices on you, then there's still a chance.



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Are there Cyberdiscs?


If no, then you can complete the mission. It'll be hard, but it can be done with a bit of luck and some patience. Just be very careful and don't rush too much.


If there are cyberdiscs: do you have high explosives or large rockets? Or even proximity mines? If not, run. Grab all that you can and then dust off. If you do have such devices on you, then there's still a chance.



Floating circle looking things? I just seen 1. could there be more, i dunno...


I have 2 pretty big bomb lookin things (HE?) and 1 smoke nade left. I managed to grab the med packs without taking anymore loses.


Imma grab a copy of that field manual and print it out.


And it is night, my rooks cant hit anything unless i chuck a flare or 2.




blehm Posted on Aug 11 2004, 05:44 PM


What weapons do you have?

rifles :(


What difficulty?

vet. i think


How good are your soldiers?



What type of ship is it?

unknown. medium big. shot it down after losing a intercepter :P


How many soldiers have you killed?

just one.



I think imma try it a few times more and if I cant do it ill just evac.



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What weapons do you have?

rifles  :(


What difficulty?

vet. i think


How good are your soldiers?



What type of ship is it?

unknown. medium big. shot it down after losing a intercepter  :P


How many soldiers have you killed?

just one.

To start out with, let's list and interpret the information you gave us.

1) It is definitely a Terror Ship if there are Cyberdiscs present.

2) It is not a Terror Site because there is a "wreck" and there are no civilians.

3) It is a night mission.

4) You killed one alien (probably a Sectoid Soldier).

5) There is at least one Cyberdisc alive.

6) Because there is a "wreck", a Sectoid Engineer was probably killed due to the power sources exploding.

7) You are playing at Veteran difficulty.

8) You have three rookie soldiers left armed with normal rifles and 2 High Explosive packs plus a Smoke nade.

9) Because a Sectoid Terror Ship has 1 leader, psionics will play a factor sometime during the mission.


From this data, you can get some more important facts (from the OSG).

You could see 5-6 Soldiers, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer, 1-2 Medics, 1 Leader and 4-8 Cyberdiscs.


Ok, 1 Sectoid Soldier is dead and we'll assume the Engineer is also dead. I see at a minimum: 7 Sectoids left and 4 Cyberdiscs, and a maximum: 9 Sectoids and 8 Cyberdiscs. Assuming the best scenario, you could possibly kill 2 of the 4 Cyberdiscs if the High Ekplosive packs do the job correctly. If you are really lucky, the High Explosive might take out two Cyberdiscs if they are close enough.


The Sectoids are easily killed with just rifle bullets. One Cyberdisc is probably "stuck" in the upper right balcony room.


The good news? It is possible to complete the mission assuming everything goes in your favor. The bad news? You haven't got enough heavy firepower to kill all the Cyberdiscs. (Unless you have the alien grenade researched, in which case you can scavenge from the alien corpses).


My advise? You cannot kill everything here unless you get lucky. I would advise to try to kill as many Sectoids as possible in say, 5 rounds, and preferably recover the corpses and artifacts to increase your score somewhat. Then evacuate. Screw the Cyberdiscs unless they are grouped tightly together. Set a short term limit and stick to it. If you want to dust-off in 5 rounds, dust-off in 5 rounds. Any longer than this and the Sectoid Leader could start to launch some Psi attacks! :(

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