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REALLY odd issue


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Well, to start with, whenever I enter a lobsterman terror site, they are all dead. The biodrones, that is.

Well, to be more exact, they all die at the start of the first turn after the equipscreen. Scared the hell out of me the first time with a deafening KLANGsquish.


Now the huge question is *why*? The only thing I've really done is to install Xcomutil, and that's it.

Now.. I probebly shouldn't be complaining. Those lobstermen are a handfull as it is... but I can't stop worrying that this might be a syntom of some larger, game-breaking data corruption problem.


Has this happened to anyone else?

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It sounds almost as if the Biodrones are starting the mission with 0 health and the game sees this as though they've met the condition for death.


I don't think XComutil is at fault here, but it is certainly quite an odd issue.


Does this happen all the time or did this just happen in one game session? At times some random memory leak will cause the game to get unstable, and really wierd things do start happening. Quitting and restarting generally clears this up.


Alternateively, it could be possible that somehow the stats for the Biodrone in the game executable got messed up. I recomend that you back up your savegames, reinstall the game and reapply XComutil.



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