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"UFO-2007. Unknown Project." - ON-LINE


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Breadboard models of the interface in a mode "Base Mode".


In section "Screenshots" ( https://game.stork.ru/sshotes.htm ) three preliminary breadboard models of game interface environment in a mode "Base" (with imitation of activity in windows "Current Projects Status", "Current Manufacturing Status" and "Units Status Monitor") are submitted.




Beforehand I want to comment on retorts of some visitors of a site, which quite fairly will pay attention to unsufficiently distinct "readership" of the textual information in various status windows. In the current condition of the project, on the given circumstance it is not necessary to pay steadfast attention - by development of the real interface of game environment, such important question as balance between the optimum sizes of separate components of the interface and their "readership", the huge attention (at the given stage will be given, the textual fields only designate a logic accessory of this or that interface block).


See more on https://game.stork.ru/sshotes.htm ...


Good luck. 1101 ;)

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Would you have a weapon-fire animation or screenshot of this fine fellow and his belt-fed weapon?

Yes, but later...

In the present situation I busy to solve of other project's tasks.

Good luck. 1101

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  • 2 weeks later...
about the english stuff, im sure pretty much anyone here can do come form of translation, that is, you do some rough translating to english, and we can fix it up to propper words/spelling. btw, it is looking great.https://www.angelfire.com/games3/jeffy90/images/smilies/grin.gif
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...After looking at these screenshots I think I'm going to have to go out and buy a baby bib before visiting that site. Make that 4 people who've signed up just to post in this thread.



Edit: One suggestion/request btw, this is something that always bugged me playing TFTD and UFO. During night/deep sea missions all my soldiers/aquanauts would have a circle of light around them, but the light never came from any visible source. Think about putting a shoulder mounted flashlight on the armor.

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Excuse for a delay with my answers (the network is accessible to me only since Monday till Friday)..


That post specially for Ki-tat Chung, JellyfishGreen, FullAuto...




If, there are people having desire and abilities to help with translation of the English version, it is very pleasant for me also I is to no small degree pleased with this circumstance. It speaks me about that spirit UFO is alive, and our team does right work.


Approximately to middle of May, I shall place in the Internet the English version of a site with rough translation. After that, you can correct the most incorrect fragments of the translated text and to send it to me. According to it, I shall correct the contents of a site.


Participating in updating translation the people will be included in group of development of the project (if certainly they will not object to it).


Good luck. 1101

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The "Ammo" section has opened ( https://game.stork.ru/terammo.htm ).


In the given section will be placed the materials on an ammunition to the weapon which it is supposed to use in game environment "FO-2007. Unknown Project"


On the present moment the descriptions of an ammunition for rifled ( https://game.stork.ru/terammo.htm#ammo01 ) and smooth-bored ( https://game.stork.ru/terammo.htm#ammo02 ) shooting weapon are accessible.


Gradually in section there will be descriptions of an ammunition for other kinds of the weapon.


Good luck. 1101

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Okay, I'm new here so I haven't really read all the posts to this topic, but I saw some of the picks and I just shit my pants. If this new X-COM game actually makes it, and gets shipped and all that, MAN I AM NOT EVER GONNA BE ABLE TO STOP PLAYING IT! HELL, I DON'T THINK I'LL BE ABLE TO STOP LOOKING AT IT!!! It looks sooooooooooooooooooo bad ass that I will be praying to the almighty that this whole project follows through! GOOD LUCK, PLEASE! :power:
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..... I will be praying to the almighty that this whole project follows through! GOOD LUCK, PLEASE!  :power:

Thank for inspiring words, but I live in Russia, and here everyone can happen..., and that game will be never made.


... it is enough to tell that to me for work of a house, it is necessary each evening to carry my Pentium-200 on kitchen and to work there from 0.00 o'clock till 3.00 - 5.00 o'clock because I do not want wake of my sleeping son to which only 9 months from a born.


Good luck. 1101

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It looks really cool, but... I never get my hopes up with X-COM fan games. They either progress too slowly (i.e. Last Hope, Xenocide) or crash and burn (i.e. EDF). UFO: Alien Invasion is shaping up very well and the team has even released a decent demo. Anyway, what I just said is nothing but the hard truth, unfortunately... :P


This doesn't mean I don't support UFO-2007. I do, and good luck. :eh:


PS: Sorry if I hurt anybody with my comments... :power:

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It looks really cool, but... I never get my hopes up with X-COM fan games. They either progress too slowly (i.e. Last Hope, Xenocide) or crash and burn (i.e. EDF). UFO: Alien Invasion is shaping up very well and the team has even released a decent demo. Anyway, what I just said is nothing but the hard truth, unfortunately... :P


This doesn't mean I don't support UFO-2007. I do, and good luck. :eh:


PS: Sorry if I hurt anybody with my comments... :power:

Thanks for the heads up about UFO: Alien Invasion; I hadn't heard of it before but just did a search for the site and downloaded and ran the demo. It looks nice so far, but far from finished. It sure would be nice if just one of these many fan projects would be seen to completion.

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To ShadowBlade....


Will be or will not be created the project UFO-2007...


The answer to this uneasy question can be given only by time...




Now I want to thank for support of our project's topics Pete,

Montez (https://www.nma-fallout.com , our topic - https://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic...10102c288f962b ),

Hedron (https://forums.ag.ru , our topic - https://forums.ag.ru/?board=fl_xcom&action=...177052&start=0 ),

cepera (https://i2021.release.ru , our topic - https://i2021.release.ru/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB....902083&start=0 )

and all UFO-fans.


Good luck. 1101 :power:

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