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Craft.dat file discovery


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Probably has been mentioned before, but the speed of craft is found in the Craft.dat file, at the 14th (low bit) and 15th (high bit) locations. No, I have not experimented with increasing the speed of the Skyranger by making this 70 17 respectively (= 6000), or in slowing down those supply ships from 3200 (80, C) to 200 (C8 low bit, 0 high) That's what you guys are here for.
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Urm, yeah. 60mm found this out at the xcomufo.com forums a while back. If you don't have an account over there, this is what the post is:


I found the values for the crafts!!! Woot!!! Found em using Cygnus Hex Editor and 010 Editor. 010 is easier to search with, but for some reason when I save my changes with it, the game wont load. So I'm using 010 to find, Cygen to edit. Anyhow, heres the string of values a few

f8 02 02 00 dc 05 96 00 04 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0e 00 03 00 38 02 d4 fe-01 00 Skyranger

1c 0c 08 00 1e 00 20 03 04 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 3c 02 70 fe 02 00 Lightning

18 15 0a 00 3c 00 b0 04 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1a 00 04 00 3d 02 06 ff 02 00 Avenger

68 10 09 00 14 00 f4 01 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b2 02 64 00 02 00 Firestorm



Spd=Maximum Speed

Ac= Acceleration

Ar=Damage Cpacity (armor)

CC=Cargo Capacity

HW=HWP capacity


Only thing left to find is the weapon pods value.

You should be able to search for "f8 02 00 dc 05" with any hex editor and find it, its near the end.


If anyone wants to edit their stuff, heres what I picked up today. Every characteristic is represented by 4 characters, like "f8 02". Switch the 2 groupings to make "02f8" and run it through a hex>decimal converter like this one. You'll get 760, which is the Skyranger's speed. So if you wanted it to have a speed of 1300, run it through the converter to get 514. Put a 0 in front to make it 4 digits, 0540. No split the number in half, 05 40, and switch the 2 to get "40 05". Thats what youll switch the original "f8 02" with. *whew* I'm so proud I figured this out.


*note* When you change the fuel capacity of a craft, the amount of fuel it has at the moment does not change. So if you have a Skyranger in your hangar at 100% (default 1500 fuel) and you change it to 50 fuel, when you load the game it will show it at 3000% fuel. After you burn through that tank though, it will fill to only 50 as you specified. This weirded me out, until I realized what was going on.


Next up, I'm going to remove the ramp to the lightning and give it a 2x2 Grav lift with capability to carry 1 or 2 hwp's and 6-8 troops. Plus a fuel capacity that makes it useable.

Though, I think this is possibly for the executable string, the info still applies to craft.dat. Anyhow, I suppose one of these days we should collect all this data together and add it to the wiki so people know what to look for. :D


- Zombie

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By all means, go ahead. Some of Hatfarm's notes are way out of date. For instance, he doesn't list all the craft types besides the human ones. From the little bit of reasearh I put into craft[00], I get the following:


Value	 Craft
 0	   Skyranger
 1	   Lightning
 2	   Avenger
 3	   Interceptor
 4	   Firestorm
 5	   Small Scout
 6	   Medium Scout
 7	   Large Scout
 8	   Harvester
 9	   Abductor
10	   Terror Ship
11	   Battleship
12	   Supply Ship

Kinda funny when you substitute alien craft type values in for human ones: shot0001.png :)


But craft.dat is a screwed up file to begin with. I mean, start up a new game and save it immediately in a fresh and clean slot. First three lines are fine and dandy. But the next 13 lines have all sorts of garbage in them. I went so far as deleting all the garbage out so that there is a clean slate. That works until an alien craft shows up and then all the garbage reappears. Even worse, some of that junk seems to be intermixed in the UFO entry. Dumb game. :D


- Zombie

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