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Prop Running X-Com


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Im trying to run X-Com UFO Defense from the Collectors Edition on a WinXP systerm.

Originally, I was getting a garbled screen when I ran the program. I found a patch that seemed to fix that, and the program ran. However, right at the start of the game when I tried to select the spot for my first base, the program crashes saying an illegal code line.

Ive not found anything else in my searched to fix this.

At this point, it is all such a mess that Im wiping the slate clean and going to reinstall. Can someone please tell me what steps to take to make the program work?



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Any more detail on that error message?


Best "cleanup" routine is to backup the graphics loader, uninstall the game via Control Panel, then wipe the folder manually.


Install the game as before, copy the loader back into the game folder, and give it another go.

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