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LOST - Are you?

The Veteran

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For anyone who wasn't quite sure what this topic was even about before they came in here its the tv show Lost, and it's doing my friggin swede in!!! I just watched all of series 2 in about 3 days flat (don't ask cos it aint legal) and it's more confusing than ever!


SPOILERS in this next paragraph only (series 2 story)


SPOILERS in this next paragraph only (series 2 story)


SPOILERS in this next paragraph only (series 2 story)


Ok so the hatch is gone, the others are crazy people pretending to be hillbillies but who are actually almost certainly the most civilised people on the island, 3 main characters have been kidnapped, Locke is probably dead, Sun is pregnant from blanks, there are hatches springing up all over the place, Alex is still a good girl but she still hasn't run off to join the guys on the beach and spectacularly all but one of the people from the tail section are dead, what was the point of that!?








Now for anyone stateside or anyone else who has seen the second series DO remember that a lot of other people, certainly most of us Brits, are still on S02E07 so if you mention anything that is beyond that then please make sure everyone knows it's a spoiler! For anyone who has only seen up to where the UK is right now then go ahead as I believe everyone bar the states are probably at the same place now anyway...


Anyone with any theories on what it all means, who they all are, etc. and so please throw it into the pot! Remember once again though, if your theories involve the end of series two mark it as a spoiler. Also when responding to other peoples posts, if it involves information they don't have yet (for example if someone were to express an opinion that saw Shannon being of utmost importance till the series finale don't just say she can't be she's dead! It's already happened here btw, I'm not breaking my own advice!) then mark it as a spoiler!


Besides opinions, queries, inconsistencies, and so on, also feel free to just leave a marmite post, love it cos, hate it cos, or hate it but have to watch it cos, love it can't watch it cos, whatever! Personally I'm just addicted because it does not end! Like I said, I watched 24 episodes in 3 days, didn't get to bed before 5am each morning, just because the series has no conclusions. Every time something happens that puts an end to one storyline, it kicks straight off into another related chain of events, its a neverending story!


Someone told me today that they've penned seven series of lost... I don't know whether that's a good thing or an incredibly bad and frustrating thing! I got to the season 2 finale and I just needed to see the next one just to know! It's excruciating! Please join me in here, save me sitting in the corner rocking back and forth!


Plus, if you are in the states, could you let me know when the next series starts and finishes with you? Just out of curiosity of course but I am currently 18 episodes ahead of the rest of England... When series 3 comes around I plan to be the whole 24 ahead!

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Yeah I heard the seven series thang the other day, I love it!!


If you wotch it on channel 4 in the UK, don't you just love the number of ad breaks?! :thinking:


Oh and the SPOILERS warning is rubbish, I had read that paragraph before I realised what I was reading!! DOH!!!

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Good God Shagpuss I wrote it 3 times in big block capitals with spaces in between it! How did you miss that :thinking: I'll go and do a quick edit for the idiots outthere :eh:


The ads on channel 4 are horrendous!!! Literally we get the 7 minute intro and then we have 5 mins of ads after the lost logo makes the funny noise and disappears off the screen... What's that all about?! Then what is it Shagpuss, another 3 sets of 5 minute breaks would you say? Damn bloody thing... I'm just glad I don't have to put time aside for it anymore, just waiting for the next series!


Shagpuss, don't know if you have it but if you do then I highly recommend skipping the C4 episode one week then watching both the C4 and E4 episodes together the next week. It halves the annoying un-endings of every other episode! You get to find out what happens next without waiting a week for it then! Of course you then wait two weeks for the next episode but then you get two at once again!


Just my advice though :eh: What do you think then? Go ahead thoughts and theories? And if you want to get really addicted go and google The Lost Experience... Anyone familiar with the infamously evasive John Nebthos will also be familiar with the sublimonal messages, crazzy banners, edited photos, reversed soundbites and all sorts of other bizzarre methods given to us to discover some of the islands secrets.


Word of warning though, don't start unless you think you can finish! I can't so I don't try!!! There are also interesting websites for The Hanso Foundation who created the Dharma Initiative, The Dharma Initiative itself and Oceanic Airlines, the owners of doomed flight 815.


Go check it out and get even more LOST!

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Wow didn't know about those websites, i'm just loading the Hanso one now :eh:


The girls at work are going love all this!! There wont be much work done on monday!! hehe :thinking:


Now before I go and look this is my theory......


The island is some kind of bemuda triangle and thats why they have set up the reserch stations, now something has gone wrong...


Are the "Others", the other members of the other stations all gone loopy?


The number? 4-8-15-16-23-42.... whats that all about?


I dunt know the origin of the number, but I think its some kind of security code, as long as the number is input in the computer they don't nuke the island, that kind of thing?


Right i'm going surfing... :eh:

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The Wikipedia entry includes a list of the theories that have been denied by the creators of the show, including extraterrestrial intervention and that the characters are unwitting participants in a reality TV show.


In view of the various cryptic clues and themes running through the show, I think that some external agency has forced the characters to become the equivalent of rats in a laboratory maze, and that the only way they can escape the island is to work out the big picture from all the clues. There will be no ships or aircraft turning up to rescue them and bring them back to civilization.


I suspect that there is going to be a supernatural or theological explanation behind what is going on. My personal theory is that we are going to get a religious explanation: God/Allah/whatever has decided to see if humanity has the ability to put its warlike and barbaric past behind us and become more evolved. Most of the characters seem to have plenty of baggage from the past, starting with having the worst parents on the planet, so to have them getting over this and working together to solve the puzzles put before them could be a microcosm of all of humanity :thinking:

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Well here are some updates for all of you that don't spoil the story, just give you a bit of background information that you haven't got yet!


The hatch, the button and the number are all linked to the electromagnetism on the island. The story told to the people pushing the button (I won't say whether its true or not) is that every 108 minutes the button has to be pushed to discharge the electromagnetic energy prduced by a dam. If the button isn't pushed then the electromagnetism goes kinda crazy and causes havoc. Whether all that is true or not, I know but I leave up to you to decide :thinking:


The island isn't in the bermuda triangle, that's not a spoiler simply another fact. Go to the Oceanic Airlines homepage and you'l see some text underneath the actual page. One of these snippets reads something along the lines of 'help me I'm stuck on an island somewhere north east of Australia and South west of Hawaii' miles away from the bermuda triangle...


I have no theories of my own even after seeing the second series...


The numbers do seem to be just the security code for the button but they also do seem to be cursed. They were the original message on the radio antenna on the island that the French woman replaced. Personally I think that Dharma built the antenna so that ships and aircraft bringing the new personnel to the island would be able to find it. It's mentioned later in the series that once you leave you'll never be able to find your way back. Maybe it would be possible to simply follow the transmission to the island though...


The others are confusing, I have no ide who they are, rest assured though they aren't what they appear!

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If the Others were what the seemed to be, it would be difficult to maintain the dramatic tension over seven seasons :thinking:


The thought occurs to me that there are so many conspiracies and enigmas going on that the show is in danger of becoming too complicated for the audience to follow.

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To be fair it was fairly hard to follow in the first two episode pilot :thinking: They just keep adding to it and adding to it now! One thing that I notice hasn't been mentioned in her so far is the monster. Yeah the one made out of black smoke... You get a proper look at it later in series 2 and it literally is just smoke! What the hell is that all about?!
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If the Others were what the seemed to be, it would be difficult to maintain the dramatic tension over seven seasons :eh:


The thought occurs to me that there are so many conspiracies and enigmas going on that the show is in danger of becoming too complicated for the audience to follow.



Seven seasons?!? My God my brain is about to implode after 1 season and 7 episodes!


As for theories I originally thought that they were all dead and in purgatory, but I believe the creators poo-poo'd that idea a while ago. I'm just along for the ride now :thinking:



Personally, I'm waiting for Battlestar Galactica to come out on UK Terrestial TV now, it's been far too long!

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If it doesn't turn out to be aliens I'm not going to be happy at all.


I mean, that black smoke thing seems to be able to uprot trees and all sorts. Explain that away.


Maybe it's all a big-brother'esque holographic excursion competition thingy and the winners have had their memories wiped and have been thrown onto some sort of holodeck to see what'll happen while the world watches on?


My idea makes as much sense as any of them :thinking:

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'fraid not Peto :thinking: They've already poo pood that idea too... The big bro one and the alien one so its neither of them! Interestingly (and I think this ep is on UK tv soon) the smoke takes a strangely sentient form in a coming episode. Some people may have seen it in an advert for the show. It kind of stops in front of the big black priest and 'looks' at him like its a big smoky snake sort of thing. Then it buggers off :eh:
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I reckon there is no explanation and the last episode is just going to be the producer sitting on huge piles of money laughing at us going "I can't believe you watched this crap for 168 hours and didn't realise that it could never possibly make sense in a million years :thinking:
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lol its true actually. I want to know what they'd say if someone did figure it out. Every time someone guesses wrong they tell them they're wrong so what will they tell them if they're right : will they just lie? or pretend not to of heard :thinking:
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I should imagine someone'sguessed it right and they've said the guess is wrong. If they admitted a guess was right, why make any more episodes? The whole series relies on the fact that you don't quite know what's going on, so admitting someone got it right would spoil it completely.
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It won't be Aliens as that's too Cliche'd in this day and age.


All I'm saying is that if it is Seven seasons then it'll bloody well feel like purgatory at then end of it :eh:


So far I've got combination of some wierd, run amok weapons technology and some sort of genetics program the Others are trying sort out. I think that's why they keep kidnapping children :thinking:

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Hmm... To be honest back in the day when the others seemed to be hillbillies I thought they were just taking the kids to prolong their own existence on the island but now we can be sure that's not true... I'm still very puzzled as to why Alex (the french woman's daughter) hasn't run away from the others when she knows how easy it is to do...




I mean think about it, she let Claire go from the facility they were keeping her in and a few minutes later her mum turned up. All she needed to do was walk out of the compound and follow claire and she would have been with family!!!! So what's keeping her there? Maybe she has a child of her own now but I'd suggest its unlikely as she's only about 17 yrs old... So why does she stay with the others? Another point for debate is why did Ethan and his possie ever abandon the medical center on the island and where are they living now? Also why do the others pretend to have a Dharma hatch? It must be because they knew the survivors would come looking... But if that's true then they now know that the survivors are aware of their deception... So they're simply digging themselves a hole!!!! Why would anyone reveal their trickery to the very people who have disturbed them unless it was for a very deliberate reason? Maybe the others want the survivors to beat whatever exists on the island because THEY couldn't... By kidnapping and killing they make the survivors want to survive even more and maybe if they do beat the island the others will be freed as well.... Maybe they ARE the Dharma personnel who were never relieved from duty because something went wrong and noone could navigate to the island anymore... Maybe the transmission of the numbers was their last ditch effort to attract rescue but when the french woman crashed their the plan changed... The monster and the disease are all fake, mind games... We know the quarantine was a hoax to keep the Dharma personnel inside the hatch but they figured that out and began to doubt the project. The project was real however and now the hatch is gone as is the electromagnetism... Maybe now the research center will be able to locate the island where Desmond was stranded and his long lost love will be reunited with him... Or maybe she'll be stranded too? That would provide another series at least with her team unable to navigate back to civilisation... I'm rather inebriated at the moment but by gods I think I've gone and solved lost :thinking:




The Dharma initiative set up on the island to monitor the naturally occuring electromagnetic anomoly there but in time it became unstable and disrupted operations. The button was installed to provide a manual means of discharging the EMism before it became too great and disrupted operations on the island. The psychological experiment that is talked about is the 'quarantine' which is suggested in the hatches but does not actually exist. Remember the French woman killed her team because she believed it did!!! After the button was in place something else went wrong and the island was lost, Desmond was stranded and became the next button pusher while the other personnel on the island congretated elsewhere to discuss the situation. The other personnel became simply the Others and surrender themselves to life on the island, living in the luxury provided by the Hanso Foundation in the provision of the hatches... Desmond fails to press the button when he follows his partner out of the hatch and realises there is no quarantine or disease. The failure to push the button causes electromagnetic buildup significant enough to cause the survivors plane to crash and the two parts of the aircraft land on different sides of the island. The others see the new arrivals as a chance to survive and kidnap the children to expand their own community, killing those who seem superior... They have been unable to rectify the fault that rendered the island invisible to the rest of the world and their distress signal had long been replaced by the French woman's own, neither were heard by anyone... The others, unable to beat the island themselves, play mind games with the survivors hoping that they will be successful in saving everyone present. When the button is not pushed, the electro magnetism runs wild and the hatch and EM dam are destroyed, removing the electromagnetism from the island... This allows the Arctic listening post to aquire a reading on the island opnce again and Desmond's long lost love who has been searching for him all this time is informed of the anomaly. She seeks him but in yet another twist of fate the island is cut off from the world again and she and her team is lost to the island, trapped along with the survivors and Desmond (the hatch did not explode, only the dam. The hatch door was thrown onto the beach by the dynamite exploding, not the latter blast) Now with even more people on the island, the others continue their mind games and for the next series at least they will playu games with the survivors and the new arrivals, in a bid to escape the island... More links will be made between characters in the survivors, the others and the new arrivals and everything will be inexplicably linked... There are no aliens, no reality tv shows, no divine beings....


There is only fate...

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