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Dialogs: Excel driver is missing


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One Windows XP machine gives me this error message when I try to export dialogs:


Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers"
Description: "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
Help File: "(null)"
Help Context: 0
GUID: {0C773A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}

I know I should specify the Excel driver (.xls) but it's already in the Data Source (ODBC) > user-ds. RecEdit shows driver is using correct odbcjt32.dll.


What kind of Data source name MapEditor is looking for? Excel-files? I got it there... hrmph. :eh:


Does anyone knows any solution/s to this data source's driver problem? I'm so bad at these things... With this same computer, I can export (via editor) everything else to batabase very well ...


I do have a one computer (a basic work-laptop) which works fine when exporting dialogs but I would like to get my own '3D-monster' working as well. :P



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What kind of Data source name MapEditor is looking for? Excel-files? I got it there... hrmph. :eh:

Full connect string is:


Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Extended Properties="DSN=Excel Files;

DriverId=790;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;DBQ=<name dependent from dialog>"


Does anyone knows any solution/s to this data source's driver problem?


I have some problems on computers with localized (russian) version of Windows. Some of its hasn't DSN=Excel Files, DSN name on its is translated to russian.

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Thanks Novik for your reply and real sources info.

I have some problems on computers with localized (russian) version of Windows.

Yep, I think that language/localize setting is the quilty for my problem too. My desk computer uses Finnish and work lapper is on English. When I get back home I will try to change it to English.


Thanks a lot. :eh:

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"Excel Files" fixed the data source problemander! :P 'Marvelous', thanks again Novik!

(...in my mod's readme.file, there will be 500 lines acknowledgements/credits to you :eh:)


Something more about dialogs/acks:


1) Dialogs make AckInfos, but those doesn't appear automatically in the editor's table (like in S3).


Solution: Author must specify AckInfo item's folder ID manually (in the direct database connect) to bring it forth and editable in the editor. When exporting Dialogs, I think it's necessity to restart the editor to bring AckInfos items forth.


2) While spying in the orginal Sickle's AckInfos, I noticed that String slots are empty. Why? In my custom acks, there is StringID in the slot.


3) How can I make those new 'douple heads on the same side' dialogs? Those are cool.



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Solution: Author must specify AckInfo item's folder ID manually (in the direct database connect) to bring it forth and editable in the editor.

Simple restart editor - and new AckInfo's record's will be editable.

2) While spying in the orginal Sickle's AckInfos, I noticed that String slots are empty. Why?

For which AckInfos.ID?

3) How can I make those new 'douple heads on the same side' dialogs? Those are cool.

Automatically, if you specify >2 persons in your dialog. Order of heads only partially under your control - you may specify second parameter in DialogPlay function. (true - hero on left, false - hero on right)

Edited by Novik
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For which AckInfos.ID?
I know that some old Ack's strings and sounds have been removed/deleted (mercs f.e.). Some new dialog ack's slots are 'empty', I mean dirs/names doesn't appear in slots... but clicking the 'empty' slot goes to the string (damn my english sucks). I think everything is oookooo. :eh:


And thanks about sharing 3 units dialog knowledge. Keep on trucking.

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Some new dialog ack's slots are 'empty', I mean dirs/names doesn't appear in slots

This is a result of "non-commercial" development. Names structure (Name od char\Nationality of char\etc) used for better localization process. We don't thinked about this at moment of dialog's creation.

And thanks about sharing 3 units dialog knowledge. Keep on trucking.

BTW max count of personages in one dialog - 4. For more count engine can't draw heads.

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