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Surgical Elerium Theft


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Ok, I'm 4 months game-wise in X-Com and my new "no frequent loading" tactics have given me a rewarding feeling, but have left me with little Elerium. I read that you can keep and alien base around so you can constantly raid it so that weapons, fine wine and elerium can be taken at will. As a fan of kidnapping aliens from bases, I'd like to steal elerium in addition to ethereals and sectoids. So how do I steal elerium from alien bases and landed ufos?


By the way, I'm sorry if I put too many posts here in the X-Com games forum.

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And the new holder of the newbie posting record is............


It is best to have psi ability to do a raid, but it is still possible to kill a buch of aliens and get their elerium without winning the mission (just harder). Find the 20x20 section of the alien base that has the four rooms upstairs. 50 Elerium is in south room. Use a Heavy Plasma to destroy the reactors (No HE!). The elerium with not be destroyed by the plasma. Then pick it up and get out of there.


As for the UFO missions, only get the elerium if it doesn't look like you will win the mission and you are already inside the UFO. Get it on your way of of the ship as you retreat.

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I though the thing about keeping a base around was so you could raid the landed supply ships (with there 150 E-115).


-PSY GUY- :(

(If raiding a supply ship was any easier then the aliens would just deliver the goods directly to your base)

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Well, you know the elerium power units, right? They're the circular glowey orange thingy on all ships except for the tiny scout. (Think inside of medium scout: that's the unit in the dead center)


Laser and plasma weapons can fry these things, without damaging the elerium inside. Once the top of these things are shot off, walk on top of it and pick up the elerium.


Of course, the units themselves sell for 250k each, so if it's a supply ship you're raiding it's often advantageous to capture the whole ship instead of grabbing elerium and running.


(Note: there's no elerium in those red flashy pods with blue legs; they just explode.)

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I agree with Psy Guy. I always believed that the idea of leaving a base around is to assault the landed supply ships, which are very easy missions, especially with flying suits and blaster launchers.


I have only "raided" an alien base once to get the elerium, just to try it out. Honestly I found it to be terribly too much of a pain for the payoff. While you're in there, you might as well just destroy the base. If your elerium-115 supply is so low that you feel you need to do this, you should probably rethink your resource management strategies.

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Sometimes you just don't see any supply ships. Had a time when I didn't have one land at a base that I was leaving around for that purpose. I had even built one of my bases nearby to do assaults on it. Had to wait about 4 months for one to finally land and in the meantime I had run low on elerium. At about the two month mark I got desparate. I started doing raids. I had a Lightning and was using about 3% fuel to get there. I go in MC everyone, take anything I could carry off, and leave. Three hours later, I would come back and do it again. It got me lots of resources, and really built my troops up. After a few months the ships came back and I got them, along with the base.
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Just a dumb tip from me =)


When it comes to blasting down Ufos to crashland, it is best NOT to use the weapon (sry, I forgot it's name") which has only two Ammo-shots. The AA missile for Ufo interception I'm talking about can take down an Ufo v e r y fast, blasting it into many pieces, loosing the precious Elerium *g*

The best anti-Ufo weapon is not the best, hehe.

(Don't use the gatling rail gun for 2km rang now :( )


Groove :(;):(

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If I recall, in the old dos version of UFO (version 1.1?) you used to get about 500 elerium if the aliens attacked one of your bases.


I used to set up a single base with a huge number of scientists and mechanics and soldiers with no defences. It used to get attacked about 2 or 3 times a month meaning that each month I had a fresh supply of 1000+ eleruium to send around my other bases.



Shame they took it out of the later version of it. :(

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