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Scoring in missions

Tu Doggz

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Hey guys


i was just wondering i just started a new game in u.f.o. im pretty far along. in all this mission i do like terror or crash sites ect. i always only get a score of "ok":tank: only once i have gotten excellent. and ive done missions which i though were awesom then all i get is "ok". i dont loose any soldiers. so i dont know. is it based on how many turns it takes to beat the aliens??



peace :P

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It's probably because your stunning the aliens and not killing them, or it could be exactly what JellyfishGreen said, or it could be that your destroying the aliens corpses, or it could be that your not directly killing the aliens by shooting.( YOu don't get points if the aliens died of a fatal wound, was shot by friendly fire or if a grenade killed it)
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Have you taken your total score into consideration?


I sometimes get to play truly excellent terror missions where everything falls into place where it should and I cream the aliens and also get to add a cherry on top. But when the tally is added up, I end up barely passing the 0 score mark because of them pesky civilian casualties... well, you probably get the picture. The crummy game just says it's 'okay'. Feh. What does it know?


Same thing happens in Apocalypse. I sometimes conduct raids on an enemy organisation for some reason or other (combat experience, robbery, etc), and perform an escape, the game says that the mission was an utter failure -- even though the score is well into the positive and my objectives were a complete success. The only thing you can really trust is the raw score you get at the end of every mission for all three primary X-Com games.



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The answer is simple: If you surpass a certain score, then it'll give you an excellent. I'm not sure of the exacts (I'll leave that to NKF), but I believe 500+ gives you an excellent rating. 300+ gives you a good, and anything less gives you an OK. It's just the fact that larger UFOs give you more things to retrieve, therefore giving you more of a score. The Alien Alloys on Battleships/Alien Bases usually pushes you over the top.


But the guys are right: killing aliens will always give you more of a score than stunning them. So if you are worried about the score, choose the laser rifle over the small launcher.

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Actually, stunning an alien does give you more points than killing it. But I get the feeling this is only true for unresearched aliens. (not sure whether it's based on rank and species, or just species)



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