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Tech Tree, Got One?

Paranoid Jack

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I was wondering if there was a tech tree yet for Aftershock? I realize a lot of it is common sense but some of it seems to get triggered in-game. Also I would love to have a tech tree to plan out my long term strategy.


Also I have lots of knowledge buildings but they all sit idle. And don't seem to increase resources when built. Do they always list as idle?


Also some buildings (Factory and/or Lab) show Working after Under Construction but I was unable to manufacture ammo until after I had taking a bunch of weapons from Cultists after they foolishly ran into a hallway where I had set up an ambush. It was beautiful.... :(


Anyway, do you actually need a sample and/or blueprint to manufacture any or all items? It seems that way so far.


This game is huge and has so much depth I think it will keep most of us occupied until next year arrives. Problem is I am neglecting everything else. :(


My wife and daughters have been really cool about it but my dog is getting very jealous and keeps interupting the game-play so that I will play with her or take her on walks. :(

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Dont worry about it PJ,this game is huge and very complex,and I myself had problems understanding the function of the tracks.Anyhow,the knowledge structures are always active,and the increase in resources will be shown on your net amount at the top of the screen,and wont be shown when you click over a province,which I also thought myself.Like say in Glasgow I had about 32 Alien materials being produced and when a college was built it still showed as producing 32,however the increase did in fact show on the total resources at the top of the screen.


The way manufacturing works is like this,you MUST make sure all your bases are connected,so the logistics can be maintained,for example,in my current game I designate Riga and Tehran as my main manufacturing sites while Europe deals with much of the research and defence.I recently had a manufacturing problem myself and wondered why I wasnt getting any ammo into my stores,I realised the base had been shut down due to resource shortages earlier.I then had to shut down all research and uneeded tracks,so that I could open the track again to Riga and Tehran.

You ALSO need the relevant blueprints for everything you manufacture,and of course,make sure you have the relevant building floorplan,like advanced weapons blueprint for your advanced weapons,med factory to make all your med kits.


And I say forget the dog for the next few years,she will understand in the long run im sure :(

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Thanks for the info. :mad:


I am drained of resources and keep running out. I have over a dozen bases but can't afford to build anything else at this point because my resources are so low the game shuts down my tracks for an hour or two and then re-establishes them. Only half of the bases have anything built on them and even those are not all full yet. I have tracks where needed but then those unused bases are not connected either. The funny thing is I am gaining a lot of provinces and they either have bases or nothing at all. Shouldn't they at least have a resource of some type? Or a base correct? ;)

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Yeah the game's improving now that I've laid tracks to bases. I can finally build! Probably too late tho as I've a few days til the 'gots come and my best weapon is an assault rifle with light armor. I'll go down fighting like a proud human...
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The same thing happened to me eary in my campaign,running out of resources every hr,and no doubt others have had the same problem.I think the best thing to do in this scenario is first,CARRY on playing,dont restart as its more realistic if you keep plugging away and learning from it,secondly shut EVERYTHING down,research,manufacture and each and every track.Then get some paper out and a pencil and try and draw up some sort of basic strategy that you will try to adhere to in your game.For instance,what is your MAIN priority early on?answer is ALWAYS protection,the ability to protect your soldiers,and that means armour.So make sure you are churning as much armour out as you possibly can,or you may not even have the resources to build even ONE suit.In your position take 5 minutes.Look around the map and establish where most of your most valuable resources appear to be,in my game the Balkans are VERY high in high grade materials,so naturally they must stay active if at all possible,and it needs to be connected to my INITIAL (Stuttgart) base.Also,consider trying to expand even more to try and relieve the defecit,you never know a few more provinces(if they are part of your countrys' capital)could be there for the taking.Also remember you can BARTER for resources,for example,if you are mining loads of cheap materials you can trade these to the Cyborgs for high grade materials,and the same can be said for the Psionics too,who happen to be in the good books with me and the Cyborgs hate me!...so far.With this trading taking place you can help yourself,and of course each other.


I TOTALLY recommend trying to capture the 'ports',or the areas with thin blue lines trailing from them as these indicate sea routes,and are PERFECT additions to your track system,as you can cut through swathes of territory with just ONE track!for example,Spain links up directly with Istanbul in the East,which means you can link these 2 up with just one track,saving you loads of track that would otherwise have gone through much of Europe.I had a problem in my game as the Cultists had held this territory for much of the game and so I needed to invade them many times to capture this port.Believe me,it was worth it.


Another problem is expansion too,you can expand too fast or too slow,I believe a balance should SOMEHOW be struck.Grow too fast and you can lose all sense of direction and probably lose all your resources too as you drive your 'Blitzkrieg' through the territories.Go too slow and you risk the Cultists taking those precious lands for themselves,putting you in a real danger early on.

Concentrate on securing mainland Europe and then stop,get your technology on the rise,and when you feel safer in the field attack the other territories and grab their lands,dont forget to compensate them for your unwanted aggression ;) .Believe me,dont hang around til they ask for your help,go in and grab it by force,you NEED these lands.If you manage to relieve their suffering my compensating them with many resources they will eventually see it was the right thing to do.You can be waiting a long long time before they ask for your intervening,that simply is not good enough for me.


Good planning,is the key.If all else fails,then start again,with the knowledge you have already gained,hopefully you should have more success next time.


Let me know if this helped,and if anything needs clarifying more.


Dont forget,the Roman Empire burned itself out in the end due to greed and corruption,they were then easy prey for the barbarians all around them.


Good luck.

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