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Attacks of 9-11-01 Known Since 1997.

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Somebody needed a war. They got one. That it is in the oil fields of Asia in no mere happenstance. They needed 9-11 and they got it. I got it too, information that is, information about plans to use airplanes to attack the WTC and the Pentagon. I had it all down in 1997, and had been telling others about it right up through the night of September 10, 2001.


Although I had told college students, a federal officer, a deputy sheriff, an officer of the state of Florida, 911, and many others (about 120 people in all) the attacks were allowed to proceed according to schedule.


It is frightening and disconcerting to know what the government and military can do and get away with.


I have been writing a book about my experiences discovering the 9-11 plot back in 1997, and of telling all those people about it right up to the night before the attacks.


My own personal opinion on the subject is that the pentagon should have been nuked completely off the face of the earth.


As for the WTC, has anyone ever gone to NYC? People in NYC do not care if you freeze to death on a city street corner in mid winter as long as they themselves are warm. Why should I have cared what happened to them? Apparently, nobody else seemed to have much concern about it either.


I have letters from responsible people verifying that I had been telling others about those attacks long before they happened. In 1997 I had been corresponding by e-mail with people in Saudi Arabia. Part of the discussion centered around launching a devastating terrorist attack against buildings in the USA using commandeered, fuel-laden aircraft as missiles for the demolition. I did not know they were going to use commercial passenger planes. Nor did I know how many planes were to be used for the mission. What I definitely did find out was that the attack was on, approximately when it would happen, the method, and that someone named Osama bin Laden was behind it.

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So... you've been liaising with terrorists?


Besides all of the above, this is NOT the first attempt to destroy the WTC. Bin Laden attempted this many years earlier. The warnings were there, but the innocent people did not deserve to die.

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A lot of people have argued that the US government deliberatly let 9/11 happen in order to get an excuse for invading Iraq. Trouble is it leaves several questions unanswered.


1. Why go to the bother and expense of invading Afghanistan? Afghanistan's national infrastructure was wrecked by over two decades of war, so it is going to need a lot of help (and money) for the rebuilding.


2. Such a conspiracy would require the collusion of at least dozens of people. Something would have gone wrong like with the Bay of Pigs fiasco and Operation Eagle Claw (an attempt to rescue the US embassy hostages in Iran just after the Iranian Revolution). The consequenses for the current US administration would have been disasterous.


3. The US did not entirely go it alone in Iraq. The UK, Poland and Australia contributed troops to the invasion. What do our countries get out of it?


4. Why didn't the US and UK invade Libya immediately after the Lockerbie bombing? It isn't as if we didn't already hate Colonel Quadaffi. And the extra oil revenues would have been handy.


5. Even if the Iraq War had been the walkover that Bush & Blair expected, the cost to the US taxpayer of the War on Terror would have been prohibitive. Why not do a diplomatic deal with Saddam Hussein instead?


6. Why didn't we oust Saddam in 1991 when we liberated Kuwait and put a puppet in his place?

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1.  Why go to the bother and expense of invading Afghanistan?  Afghanistan's national infrastructure was wrecked by over two decades of war, so it is going to need a lot of help (and money) for the rebuilding.


To shown that they were fighting terrorism? Bin Laden was there and the country couldn't put any sort of defense. Easy target to satisfy public opinion before going after the real target. And as for the money, how much has been spent on Afeghanistan? 5 billion dollars? 10? Pocket change to the cost of rebuilding Iraq.


2.  Such a conspiracy would require the collusion of at least dozens of people.  Something would have gone wrong like with the Bay of Pigs fiasco and Operation Eagle Claw (an attempt to rescue the US embassy hostages in Iran just after the Iranian Revolution).  The consequenses for the current US administration would have been disasterous.


Well they used the intelligence concerning Iraq as they wanted and got away with it. You cover for me, I will cover for you.


3.  The US did not entirely go it alone in Iraq.  The UK, Poland and Australia contributed troops to the invasion.  What do our countries get out of it?


If the crowd is stampeding, then it's better to be at the front. At least there you can try to divert it.


4.  Why didn't the US and UK invade Libya immediately after the Lockerbie bombing?  It isn't as if we didn't already hate Colonel Quadaffi.  And the extra oil revenues would have been handy.


There was the Cold War going on plus no one wanted another Vietnam, especially after 1982 in Lebanon.


5.  Even if the Iraq War had been the walkover that Bush & Blair expected, the cost to the US taxpayer of the War on Terror would have been prohibitive.  Why not do a diplomatic deal with Saddam Hussein instead?


It would have seen as if Saddam had won his standoff with the West. Its prestige in the region would have increased and he would be free to try more adventures.


6.  Why didn't we oust Saddam in 1991 when we liberated Kuwait and put a puppet in his place?


The UN mandate for the liberation of Kuwait didn't include that. The U.S. would have to go there basically on its own, with the help of only a few other countries.

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Well they used the intelligence concerning Iraq as they wanted and got away with it. You cover for me, I will cover for you.


A conspiracy with more than three people involved will be exposed. People talk, and the more are involved, the more likely someone is to suffer an attack of conscience, especially when it involves betraying your country. We're talking dozens, even hundreds, of people who have sworn oaths to prevent actions such as 9/11. A conspiracy of that scale can't be maintained.


There was the Cold War going on plus no one wanted another Vietnam, especially after 1982 in Lebanon.


1988? In 1988, the Cold War was effectively over, and everybody who was anybody knew it. Conflict between the crumbling USSR and the US was an impossibility.


It would have seen as if Saddam had won his standoff with the West. Its prestige in the region would have increased and he would be free to try more adventures.


Who cares what it looks like? The reputation of the US could hardly decrease in the region.

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Although I had told college students, a federal officer, a deputy sheriff, an officer of the state of Florida, 911, and many others (about 120 people in all) the attacks were allowed to proceed according to schedule.


Jiminy jesus, you told a COLLEGE STUDENT (?!?!) and they didn't manage to stop 911? what is the world coming too!

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A conspiracy with more than three people involved will be exposed. People talk, and the more are involved, the more likely someone is to suffer an attack of conscience, especially when it involves betraying your country. We're talking dozens, even hundreds, of people who have sworn oaths to prevent actions such as 9/11. A conspiracy of that scale can't be maintained.

1988? In 1988, the Cold War was effectively over, and everybody who was anybody knew it. Conflict between the crumbling USSR and the US was an impossibility.

Who cares what it looks like? The reputation of the US could hardly decrease in the region.


I think that you can either conspire by action or by the lack of it, meaning that something might happen but not taking any steps to prevent it because if it happens it will serve your agenda. I think this was the case with 9/11, Bush and a few of his team knew that terrorists might strike the US but didn't put any importance to it since it might even be blamed on Saddam, which would help their objective. Even the warnings of plans to flow planes into buildings seemed a little too far fetched for terrorists to attempt by that time. Most likely they were expecting bombs and the events of 9/11 took them completely by surprise, since the idea seemed more fiction (Tom Clancy wrote a book in the 90's where a Japanese airliner pilot crashes deliberatly his plane into the Capitol - maybe he's involved in the conspiracy too :D )

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Then so is Stephen King. And Chuck Palahniuk. And a few others who wrote about planes crashing into buildings.

Maybe there was a conspiracy. Maybe not. Our esteemed member Cyclotouriste himself, can't seem to make up his mind whether it was a conspiracy or just apathy. And he, apparently, had prior knowledge.

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Even the warnings of plans to flow planes into buildings seemed a little too far fetched for terrorists to attempt by that time. Most likely they were expecting bombs and the events of 9/11 took them completely by surprise, since the idea seemed more fiction (Tom Clancy wrote a book in the 90's where a Japanese airliner pilot crashes deliberatly his plane into the Capitol - maybe he's involved in the conspiracy too  )


That is the way i prefer to look at it actually, because no matter what, it was totally out of the question that anyone even could do that sort of thing. Then when it happened, people didn't bother thinking about it.



You can't forget that Bush's staff wasn't in office yet when 9/11 happend, so you can only blame him for a little bit. But he can be blamed for covering it up. However, even if he knew all about the rumors, everyone probably thought that they were just rumors, and they didn't have enough proof to justify panicking, because if you heard rumors of something happening 5-6 years ago, then how do you expect to still consider them valid?

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I genuinly think that America underestimated Al Qaeda before 9/11. Bill Clinton's response to attacks such as the US Embassy bombings (which killed more locals than Americans) was pretty half assed.


Also, does anyone else remember how Bush Junior reacted in the immediate moments after he was informed of the attack? He went into shock for about 20 minutes then spent the next three days running around like a headless chicken. This was the reaction of someone who had not seen it coming. It is possible that he was just acting, but considering how public speaking is not his strongest point, this would have been a massive risk on the part of the conspirators.


The possibility that a diplomatic deal with Saddam might have been percieved as an Iraqi victory would not necessarily have prevented a deal. Britain and America imposed sanctions on Libya for about 15 years before we struck a deal with Quaddafi. There were a few speeches about Libya learning its lesson and wanting to rejoin the ranks of civilised nations and the media moved on to the next story within days.

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I don't think bin Laden was too worried about the threat of being assassinated by the CIA. Their record against Fideo Castro isn't too impressive.


Also, one aspect of the Special Relationship between te UK and the USA is the sharing of military intelligence. Britain relies almost totally on US military intelligence for what's going on in the Americas, and America relies on British and Israeli military intelligence for what's going on in the Middle East. The chances of the CIA covertly assassinating bin Laden without help from Britain or Israel are negligable.

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Hehe, I'd be heading straight for my nearest cave network after watching that piece of news on the TV...


Look at it from his point of view. He knew all along that the US was after him. This was just a public validation of his beliefs, it wouldn't change his behavior in any way since he always acted as if it were true beforehand.

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I don't think bin Laden was too worried about the threat of being assassinated by the CIA.  Their record against Fideo Castro isn't too impressive.

I seem to recall them trying to bamboozle Castro with the old exploding cigar trick. Didn't work. What a shock! :D


The chances of the CIA covertly assassinating bin Laden without help from Britain or Israel are negligable.

Nothing against the British or Israeli military, but they know nothing of bin Laden's whereabouts. Unless the United States gets direct military cooperation from Pakistan (where Osama is claimed to be hiding), he might never be found. ;)


- Zombie

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Oh yes. It made sense naturally. Don't stop and question the family bearing in mind the possibility that no matter how distant they may be from Osama, they may well have known something - lets just make sure they get out alright to cover our asses.


They might not like the US otherwise, and that would be bad financially.

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And did you know that the only planes that were allowed to fly during the days after 9/11 were the ones carrying the Bin Laden family from the US back to Saudi Arabia?  :D

That's not entirely true. Air Force One (which transports the president) is always granted immediate clearance to takeoff/land. And it doesn't even have to file a flight plan. Planes which transport heinous criminals to new living quarters (aka "Con Air" flights) flew directly after the wake of 9-11 too. Not to mention the various fighters patrolling the skies. :D


- Zombie

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That's not entirely true. Air Force One (which transports the president) is always granted immediate clearance to takeoff/land. And it doesn't even have to file a flight plan. Planes which transport heinous criminals to new living quarters (aka "Con Air" flights) flew directly after the wake of 9-11 too. Not to mention the various fighters patrolling the skies.  :D


- Zombie


Well... yeah... but I was talking about charterd commercial/private aircraft not governmentt/state owned aircraft.

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