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Established Aliens


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Roger Wong's guide recommends investigating potential infestations early. If I wait for a siren, apparently "the aliens will have already established themselves."


What does this mean - that there'll be more aliens at a site if I go in later? (That alone doesn't seem a reason to go earlier/later... )


Any thoughts?



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If yopu don't catch a new alien infestation early, the aliens will move into the buildings surrounding the building they landed in. Containing the infestation then becomes more difficult.


Also, the aliens will have time to begin to infiltrate the organisation that owns the building. I have sometimes known an organisation to succumb to an infestation without ever triggering an alert.

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They breed like rabbits. Well, alien rabbits. But the earlier you respond, the easier the fight will be. The aliens will probably only be in one building, and the infiltration of the organisation (if any) will be minimised.
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Ah. This probably explains why I'm back at the Senate, barely a day (if that) after beating off an alert there. Perhaps I should return soon after finishing this battle, and check it out again. (And the neighbours, too, from the sounds of it...)
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Here's how I've been dealing with infiltrations for ages now, and has not failed me yet.


1. Watch where aliens are dropped. Remember that building. I usually do this by sending a hoverbike or some other non-essential vehicle to mark the building. But if you've got a photographic memory, use that instead. If not, do whatever you want. The key element is remember the buildings.


2. Immediately send a troop transport to the drop sites. You don't have to send three squads out simultaneously - but you must do it within a short amount of time - i.e. immediately after you finish a mission and picking up any new soldiers or supplies from your base.


3. After you've dealt with all three sites, keep remembering these buildings.


4. Use ultra fast and speed through a couple of hours. Open up your top-10 infiltration chart and update it. Take note of the most infiltrated organisation.


5. Head back to the cityscape. Switch to the overhea map view. Click on the organizations tab and select the icon of the company with the most infltration. This will highlight all their buildings in the city.


6. Locate all the buildings owned by that company that are nearest to the initial drop site and send off a team and investigate. Clear out any invaders.


7. Repeat the process from 5 until you've dealt with all companies with major spikes in the infiltration chart.


8. Now repeat the whole process from 4 for another few hours. Before long, you'll have cleared out all the major sources of infestation - without having to wait for the siren, which is always bad. Remember, sometimes aliens may re-visit a previously cleared building, but for the most part, just deal with the neighbouring buildings. For companies with really low infiltration scores, you might as well leave them alone unless they hit the siren and start complaining. These will die off naturally in a few more hours in any case.


This pro-active form of investigation will leave you really wanting for more alien incursions before long. :blush:



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Don't forget to check the infiltration percentages, too.  I keep forgetting those, and it's making things a wee bit more difficult.

That sounds like good advice. I checked them yesterday, and they ranged between 1% and 3%. I -assume- (correct me if I'm wrong) that I don't need to care about such. I'd expected to ignore that until it reached something closer to 20%


But rather than assuming ... what % infiltration is worth reacting to?

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One to three percent isn't much, I'd start getting interested at about 15%. I usually end up hitting the Cult of Sirius and any other targets lots of times. Due to the speed of the game and the low turnaround time for missions, I end up doing about 5-6 raids a day, because I get so impatient. But that's just me being hyperactive.
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alien infiltration dies down pretty quickly, just once an organization reaches higher percentages(20-30) you need to watch them, and kill aliens, and there is also a good chance that one of their buildings has aliens in it, so looking for aliens will help.

I had i think Nutrivend or Sanctuary clinic turn over to aliens very recently in my game, i am very sorry about that, i didn't want them to, i even reacted to alien activity most of the time. However, i think the game updates alien infiltration every so often. I dont know at what point organizations turn over, but i figure that since the red line is at 50 that it is pretty close

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Regularly checking the alien infiltration graph is a must in the aftermath of an alien incursion. The graph updates on the hour, so the effects of an infiltration attempt or a mission are not immediatly apparent.


If the alien infiltration of a particular organisation is increasing, then I personally investigate EVERY building owned by that organisation until I encounter some aliens. The organisation may be unhappy at my heavy handed tactics, but I can always buy them off by raiding the Cult of Sirius a few times.


The aliens cannot take over an organisation unless the infiltration level exceeds 50%. If infiltration has reached 30-40% and is still increasing, then the diplomatic problems caused by your intrusion are greatly outweighed by the problems that will result from the organisation going under.

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  • 2 weeks later...
one problem i had was that Solmine was falling over, but they only have 1 building, an HQ, and when i checked there weren't any aliens, but they stayed at 16%

i think it was a bug


A few things that will help...


When you investigate an area after the a ufo has dropped off the aliens, it is possible that some aliens migrate to neighbouring areas as well. You'll have to investigate those areas too. The thing I do is after I finish investigating the initial area, I save and fast forward. If the alien infiltration goes up in organizations around the original area or an alert goes off, I reload an investigate the new area right away. This makes it a lot easier cause it does not give the alien a chance to breed. The new area may only have a few aliens in it as oppose to a dozen or so if you wait till the graph goes up or an alert is sound.

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If you do it right they won't even get a chance to set an alarm off. Using the overhead map you can see buildings which are currently infested EVEN IF THERE HAS BEEN NO ALARM TRIGGER.


For example, you can basically preempt a warning siren by sending troops to a building as soon as the aliens are beamed down. The CoS had an alien drop on them (interestingly, I've only seen this once) and I looked at the overhead map... big fat red circle.


The larger the circle, the more aliens there are/will be, and the more recent the attack/drop was. Eventually the circle will disappear. This can be attributed to the guards getting rid of the "problem", at last. :blush:

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I've only ever had them with the sirens. Check your overhead map if you ever get a siren (if you play right, you should only ever get one siren throughout the entire campaign) and send your ships, check the overhead map. The circle will be there. Easiest is to just test it in a brand new game. You do not know where the first alien drop is at it is random.




Some players have attested to the circle being available without the siren. On the other hand, I've only ever had them after a siren. (And yes, the larger the circle, the more concentrated the aliens. The smaller, the more they die off, either naturally or due to intervention by their impeccably incompetant security forces with big guns)


Could it be a version difference? There are two releases of the game, the American and European releases. From what I understand, the only difference between the two is the different title screens. One is a flaming red X while the other is a blue screen with four silver-Megapol armour soldiers on top of a building. My copy has the blue screen.



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  • 3 months later...

I have version with big red X and i can see red circles just after the alarm.

The way i do it is that i save after each alien air attack, then let the game go on max speed 'till i get the alarm, then i remember the building, load and send my squad in, then i save and repeat.

I am usually watching all air battles in map mode so i dont see aliens beaming into buildings.

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