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Whats the Time?


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I first realized ethereals can fly on the cydonia base attack. I had an unarmed trooper (for some reason the clips in all my HP mysteriously shot to 0 - leaving only a couple guys with armamants) chase after an Ethereal Blaster Launcher Toter. The Ethereal went up to a wall you can fly over, and just paused for a second and "appeared" a level up. I guess it's cause they have telekinesis or something.
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I hardly see ethereals fly for some reasion. I only catch a glips of them flying when they walk of the edge of a roof and then float around a sec then land. I beleave they use there awsome psi powers to float around the battlescape. Now that brings me to a question.


(question) Do Ethereals hold there guns or do they use there minds to levitate there peacemakers?


-PSY GUY- :)

(if i could get an Ethereal emoticon i would be in buissness)

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