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OMg this game is insane.


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OMG this game is like Jagged Alliance 2 on crack, I cant wait to see a urban assalut mod for this engine, the destructable envoriemnt is pretty realistic.

The should use this engine for JA3 if they havent allready started it.

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Yeah, Silent Storm is the inevitable evolution of the JA franchise. Better graphics, destructible environments, rag doll physics, rotating camera angles etc.

Though I wish Silent Storm would take after some of the neat features of the JA series.


1) offbeat merc humor and one-liners: Hilarious and makes you want to play all the different characters even with the bad stats just to hear what they have to say

2) merc relationships - even better ... hearing mercs cheer each other on during the thick of battle is a nice touch and hearing them grump about other mercs is even better

3) graphic 'special' death scenes: slow mo exploding heads, back blowing out in a burst of blood, human roman candles from a HE hit, scalping the dead

4) weapon jams and breakdowns after use: adds a more realistic dimension to weapons use .... WWII weapons should be a lot less reliable with continuous auto fire.

5) optional sci-fi mode: There should be an option to turn the panzerkleins off with the sci-fi mode.

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Though I wish Silent Storm would take after some of the neat features of the JA series.


Agree with you on all of your points (#4 will definitely be included in Senitnels).


More importantly though, SS needs to create the strategic sense of desperation that made JA2 so interesting. Having to worry about healing your mercs and enemy counterattacks (as well as maintaining your income from the mines) added a whole level of strategy beyond the combat of the game. SS simply has no sense of time constraints.

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Amen to the lack of time constraints.

You are never ever pressured by time in SS. There is always enough time for your squad between missions to hop back to home base to heal/lock and load. Those med conditions are only annoying for the duration of the battle and never constitutes any detriment to the next mission.

There should be some time pressure so that you can't always get back to base or you can but some of the objectives will be more difficult to complete. ie. you go back to base and your informant gets shot BUT you can still grab the info and now it's under heavy guard at a different location.

There should be a balance ... do you go for easier mission with injured personnel or do you risk a tougher one by going home to heal and load up?

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