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Ural Mountains and Panzerkliens(sp?)


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I've tried a search and didn't turn up anything I was looking for, maybe I was asking the wrong questions?




... I'm running through this game for the first time (And loving every moment of it) on Hard.



***SPOILER*** (For anyone just starting out)


I've just reached the base for the 'Secret Society' in the Ural mountains and ran into my first Panzerkliens. They kicked my ass all over the place. All I managed to do was wound the pilot in one of them with a random grenade and had to run like hell. I've got 2 rocket launchers, but they Evade those more often than they hit (*LOAD*) ... And even if I can get a hit, there's a strong chance that they Interrupt my turn before I can run and completely destroy whoever hit them (*LOAD*), and even if I can hit and run, they still see me and crush me like a dog (*LOAD*). A couple of my people have good rifles that plink these 600 HP behemoths for 5 to 8 damage from 50 range... which leads me to my question...


Can I knock the pilot out, pull him out, and commandeer the Panzerklien? Is it worth my time to find a way to kill the pilot but leave the 'Klien standing? Or are these things totally unsalvageable, and I should just kill them by any means neccesary (The option I like the least).


I've also taken note of what look like little howitzers in the front of this base, and their my next step in dealing with these things, if I can get there without being smushed. I've also noted the freak on the main roof holding some green sci-fi looking weapon... Is this a better option against these walking tanks? If so, that guy's gonna be hating life ... er... unlife real soon.




Once I got past the initial 'stupidity' I was experiencing, I found an unattended PK that made life soooo much easier. I walked out of this stage with 5 PK's, including the commander's. But this was still, by far, the hardest stage I've had to do... Has anyone managed to prevent the base from self-destructing?


On a side note, Snipers are grotesque. Mine just wiped out the entire mansion where the guy tries to escape in the pod ... yeah - He never made it, he didn't even get warned (Once I figured out that he was being alerted by the number of people I was killing...)

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