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German Test Site using Stealth


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I usually dont use much stealth but on this mission ived started off good by killing two of the tower guards with a silenced sniper rifle, and now ive come to my problem. How the heck do i bypass the fence without making alot of noise? I would have figured "wire cutters" would open the fence but no go. I even tried "knifing" the fence but it makes too much noise because it breaks the fence up just like if you had shot it. So my question is am i forced to open up with my mg42 and lay waste to the entire base, or is there a way i can use stealth to get in?
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I think I've seen this mission once on a campaign that I never kept going through, and it was an early German Allies mission - possibly Brandenburg. The entire ground level was surrounded by a huge gate with four sniper towers, two near its entrance and two further back (but not quite at its rear corners).


The disgusting thing about this mission, when I attempted it, was that my squad started behind the rear of the compound, and the only entrance gate was clear on the other side of the map, which meant sneaking up the sides and taking out the snipers as we went. Sadly, I didn't get too far - I was too inexperienced as a squad leader at the time, and I haven't seen the mission again in my current campaign.


I can tell you from other missions, however, that opening doors does not necessarily get your hiding character noticed - particularly in the case of a good scout - and if they can spot enemies without being seen, you will at least have a point for a sniper to take careful shots. If your scout is flushed out, you can either have them run and try to hide again, or attempt to use the distraction to launch an all-out attack with the rest of the team, depending on their position. That's all I got for now though. :)

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I have been looking at a walkthrough because im getting missions that i should not be getting and im finding out that i really screwed up my campaign. Specificly i did not capture Koch, but gained access to the hard missions and not the panzerklein-for-free mission. I think ill start over as axis. The testing site is in Brandenburg right next to the airplane.
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That would probably explain why I can't recall it. That's very interesting actually, I stuck with the Helmut Koch mission until I captured him and didn't know there was a completely different branch of the plot (duh that makes sense duh!) May have to replay the game and let Helmut get away!
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I hit this mission last night on my second time going through the game - I don't think it shows up for the Axis campaign. Yes, it's somewhat tricky but not terribly so. Incidentally this is with a solo scout, so of course I did it with stealth :)


Now, my scout was level 14 at that point with about 100 Throwing and 108 Hide, so if your corresponding skills are very much lower, then it would probably be harder. I was able to go all the way through the mission without being detected except for during ambushes (see below) and in the down-ramp garage area where there are four guys very close to each other (see below also).


Firstly I started at the back of the base, much like you did. Nobody saw me so I went into hide mode, and I expect a team of even the klutziest would be OK here too. I was worried about the tower guard in the middle of the base fence, so even though he couldn't see my scout, I went ahead and took him down with throwing knives.


Why not silenced SMG or pistol? I've noticed that even though the weapon itself is silent, the bullets do make noise if they hit hard targets, and especially if they do enough damage to something like a tower to knock it down; knives don't do this. Bring a *lot* of knives though (15+) as some may land in places where you can't recover them without destroying buildings. My scout also took the Extra Throwing Range perk, along with Faster Throwing, which made this tactic work so much the better. Be aware that objects in the way will interfere with your throw even though the interface tells you you have a high percentage chance to hit, so you may have to hunt for a good angle to hit the tower guard through his little wooden crate he stands in.


The silenced sniper rifle might work just as well if you can avoid blowing the top off the guard tower. Silenced SMG tends to do too much damage to the tower, making a lot of noise; silenced pistol doesn't have enough range to hit him accurately enough to kill him in a turn IMO.


Once the first tower guard is down, you should be able to sneak your party up round the second tower. Lather, rinse, repeat. Again this should allow your non-sneaky party members to progress.


From there it's on to the gate. There were two guards there at parade rest. I didn't hit them right away, but rather waited a bit because I could hear guys moving around inside the fence. Sure enough, four or so guys came out, one at a time, and I dispatched them very quietly. Eventually they stopped coming out.


Then the scout sneaked up on the two gate guards and killed them with melee. Since you have the luxury of a silent sniper rifle, you could set up a pincer ambush on the two guards with sniper and scout and take them both down in a turn very easily. My advice is to make sure the sniper is sidelong to the fence, to keep the bullet from blowing through the guard's head and making noise on the chainlink.


The scout proceeded to the little motorcycle parking space to the left of the gate with a guard on the ground and killed him with melee. Silenced pistol would work fine here, or you could snipe him with that fine hushed carbine of yours ( :twisted: ). The guard up on the roof manning the fixed MG shouldn't notice (didn't for me). Come to that you might as well whack him too. Mind the path of your bullets - I used the hushed Sten and aimed for his head in long burst at about a 45 degree angle.


Then there's the three story building with many guards armed with MG42s. None of them are especially perceptive and the only place this is hard to do sneaky is the top floor, since there are three or four guys packed close together. I made a little extra noise in the hall and one of them came out to take a look *bink*. Another was standing just inside the door *think* and the two left inside were not very anxious to come out and play. Kill them as you see fit but mind the guard tower outside the plate glass window - oh yeah, the plate glass window. Heh.


There are several more guys spread out onesey twosey which shouldn't pose terrible problems killing silently. Of course by this time you may have had enough of stealth and choose to get loud, which won't be very bad with over half the base dead.


The four guys packed in the underground garage: Grenades.


Hope this helps.

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