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Improved AI?


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I'm not sure if this was all just a case of bad luck, but I just patched the game to 1.2, and it seems like I'm having an incredibly hard time getting around Allied NPCs now. On at least two separate occasions in the same mission, my path was completely blocked by an Allied soldier or officer in the silliest possible circumstances.


The first time, an officer stood in the blown-out doorway that led towards the basement where the doctor was being held. Instead of telling me the path was blocked, it suggested an alternate route: going back all the way across the house, up the stairs, across the house again (going through the entirely-occupied upper floor full of renegade soldiers), and then downstairs to the other side - a total of over 200 APs, assuming I didn't get shot down. The officer didn't move from that spot.


The second time, the explosives in the basement blew out the entire floor surrounding both stairwells leading to it, stranding three of my soldiers down there. After shooting a hole in the ceiling at what I thought would be a perfect exit point, a helpful allied soldier came by to inspect the damage for a few rounds, blocking my exit point AND the doorway beyond it.


Again, these may be highly unusual circumstances, but it just seems to me that the game is practically begging me to shoot my friends in the face. Thoughts?

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When you get a character right next to a friendly NPC, you can switch places with them (the mouse pointer changes to a pair of arrows pointing in opposite directions).


I'm familiar with this mechanic, and while this post was some time ago, I'm pretty sure it was actually not giving me that option. I could be wrong though, and I'm far beyond that mission anyhow.

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I have also notice the switch places icon does not appear anymore and thus you get those weird path finding AI issues.


I know it worked in the demo and I remember it from version 1.0 but I don't think I have seen it appear since upgrading to 1.2. Maybe a bug or broken feature in the latest patch.

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I have also notice the switch places icon does not appear anymore and thus you get those weird path finding AI issues.


I know it worked in the demo and I remember it from version 1.0 but I don't think I have seen it appear since upgrading to 1.2.


Path calculations are an oddity, but switching is still an option in general. I didn't mean to imply that it was completely absent, just possibly in weird instances where there was still technically a path but it was one you wouldn't want to take. I did a mission in Ural that had several opportunities for shoving Allies out of the way.

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