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Capturing enemies


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I'm having a bit of a trouble trying to capture a german officer in the first mission. I've shot him untill he falls down, then i pick him up, but I can't leave. The leave button is still red, and the mission objectives tab says i haven't completed all my objectives, namely "picking up the german officer's body".

I thought I'd use my fists, because that would be the way to put him unconscious, but the result was the same...

Am I doing something wrong or did I miss something?


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im sorry but i dont know what your talking about. light bulb icons? where are they or how do they show up. ive searched everywhere and havent found any clues.

did you play this mission? what did you do then?

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i couldnt find any clues...

maybe the reason i cant leave with the body of the german officer is because hes dead, and not unconscious- at least thats what the in-game tips say.

do you know how can i put him just unconscious?

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Options tab, then Gameplay tab and make sure your hints and tips tabs are checked. Since your in one of the very first missions, I am not sure how many of these you will actually see. But if you have the right officer, he will have an I in a yellow circle above him to let you know that he his a mission objective. If your tabs in Options are checked and the officer does not have this icon above him, then he is not your obejective. Also, shooting him will not make him unconcious, but rather dead. (I think) So you need to melee with him to take him back for interrogations. I would suggest first, clear the map until your Leave tab is green, then go back and get the officer and leave. Hope this helps.




P.S. Remember, I=mission obejective, Light Bulb=Game Hint

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just found out what the problem was.

i wasn't picking up the right guy. the objectives said "get the commander's body", but its wasn't the german officer, it was the allied commander who had appeared at the beginning of the mission.

then i had to get him to the motorcycle and flee. no need to search for any clues or use the "leave" button- the mission ended automatically.

thanks for all your help people. i appreciate it :)


btw, great game!

love the way the scenario can be all ripped apart so easily.

i'm gonna need a lot of coffee, though :)

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I also tried to use melee and/or punches to make an objective (person) go unconscious. But it doesn't matter if you shoot him into unconsciousness or blow him up with a grenade because from my experience you can't kill them it only make them unconscious. And the game continues on either way even coming back with information gleamed from their interrogation of the objective/person you just shot into unconsciousness. :lol:
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Game hints do not affect mission status. They're simply there as bonus items for anyone who hasn't found them all and wants to collect a full set for reference.


On higher difficulties, there's a lot more potential for actually killing someone. IIRC, when a character's VP drop to zero, from bleeding or being damaged, they're unconscious. But if their VP drops below zero, they're dead. I've had this happen on Hard missions, and instead of appearing in red, my teammate will be completely removed from the tabs on my squad. It's sort of rare for me, and it takes a pretty strong series of hits to do it, but it happens, and I have to restart the mission and try to be more careful. :)


The manual alludes to the possibility of killing someone you were supposed to capture, and naturally, if this occurs, you can no longer complete that objective. So on higher difficulties you might still want to hang on to that club, and try to have a medic keep an eye on your target's VP while your scout sneaks up behind them with it. :)

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