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Weapon and equipment wishes for rb6.0


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Ok, please post your ideas and wishes for new weapons and equipment here. I'll try to add them (if possible) in upcoming RB Mods.


Atm, i planned the following weapons:


-BFG9000 :power:

-Gatling Laser (idea from fnurg)




-Needle gun

-oicw (with grenades and bullets

-The gun from Alien 2 (flamer and minigun)

-An depleted uranium missile for the SLAW

-A laser sniper rifle

-a hover bomb

-Gauss weapons (fnurg)

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nice i like the idea of the laser sniper rifle.......for me...what i want is something that looks like it has a silancer...(for the start of the game)

and then anythink that looks...sounds and kills good


i always loved the rail gun...maybe the next upgrade for the laser sniper wouldbe the rail sniper rifle...


meele weapons sound good...chain saw...ohhh :inlove:

The oicw was my idea eva senci i saw them in the bases...on the racks..and maybe a less advanced version.that m4 with a m203


you know that warp desgnator......i thing it should of looked like the slaw...morw cause in real life...they look like a big rocket launcher.


Maybe add research for weapons...once done you get unlimetd of them...or at least Special ammo....lke depleatd shells,.....Alians 2 where those guns had 10mm explding shels


and plz get ride of Psy weapons...i dont like my mini gun guy...slautering all my guys at the start

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@Black Almaz and Kernel: Nice ideas: I'll try to include them. One minor thing, though: The Warp designator is one of Fulbys addons none of mine :o Oh, and another thing: I could make a silenced weapon, no problem, but the game doesn't recognize it as silenced, the enemys still would know where someone shoots. But i gonna include one nonetheless.
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I would like some sort of powered armor that gives an agent plenty of protection from harm, and still lets him use big guns.


I would also like some sort of human counter to the Microslug. I mean, we have the deployable railgun, but I want a rail rifle! :)


Also, some new, futureistic human weapons. (To be gotten with research into alien stuff, but shoots human bullets with more damage.)


And last but not least, I would like to see some sort of blasterbomb clone, like a portable nuke launcher (human only of course! :power:)

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I was wondering... couldn't a silenced weapon be scripted to shoot AND at the same time create a small-radius invisible Smoke effect centered in the weapon-wielder ?


That could make it, although I guess the game is not that customizable...

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Cpl Facehugger: Hm, as new heavy armours aren't possible (they act like "light" armours), i probably could beef up the advanced heavy armour a bit. Btw, did you try my Berzerk armour? What do you think of it? Rail rifle-> ok! New futuristic weapons -> that would be the gauss weapons from fnurg, will be ok, too! Tactical nuke, hmmm ---> OK!


Kermel and BlackAlmaz: EXCELLENT idea! I'll look into this. Might actually work...


Tomorrow i have a free day, so i can mod around a bit. Keep those ideas coming !

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A power armor that can allow a person to run with heavy weapons, so we can have a sprinting rail gun or warp resonator toting person. Also, the power armor should have some kind of onboard computer that takes over if a soldier gets psi-ed, thus making the soldier effectively immune to psi and paralysis. A super armor, or advanced Bio Armor, or power armor.


When does the Berserker armor become available? How do you playtest these things without playing for two weeks and waiting for them to show up? Since you have to start a new game each time you mod.


An upgrade to the warp resonator giving them more ammunition and range.


A C4 thing like the ALPine TNT, but with range, something that you can really launch. A stun gun with a bit of range, unlike the ALPine one.


The combat teleporter things like the ones in X-Com Apocalypse.


If the silencer gun made a soldier's stats temporarily Super-Heroic for Stealth while the person is carrying the silencer, then gameplay-wise the silenced gun would have the desired effect. A silenced gun could have a gameplay impact if you can find a way that carrying it would temporarily adjust a soldier's stealth statistics to Super-Heroic. You could maybe even bump up the Dexterity statistics and/or handgun statistics as well. Give a soldier early game high-stats while carrying a silencer, but restore the original stats when he puts down the silencer.


If you can't do the tactical nuke, then do a new type of rocket that will light up the whole hillside, kind of like a napalm drop.


I guess along with cloning ALPine's Warp Designator, your version could have something that effectively calls in an air strike -- or for reality's sake, teleport in a bomb to a specific location, so you can logically use it inside bases. It would be great to use Star Trek's transporter and leave a 9000 damage bomb behind that corner where Reti is hiding.


Yes, upgraded Neostead with range, and a focused blowtorch type flame thrower with range.

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Kermel: You know you can shoot the doors away already? You just need a weapon with big enough punch.


Lurker, i could make an armor which resists PSI-control at almost 100%, i think i'll combine that with Facehuggers idea. Btw, you get the Berzerk armor, by researching the advanced heavy armour and then win a new base, with a bit of luck, you'll get the armor. (it's ahrd to get, but it's really worth it. The upgrade warp resonator wil be the BFG 9000, i tested it yesterday and it ROCKS, muahahar :power: The C4 thing with range will become the Hover bomb. Stun gun with range -ok. will do it.


The stats thing can't be done without exe-editing, i can't do that. Same for the teleporter. But i'll try to do silenced weapons the way BlackAlmaz and Kermel suggested.


The tactical nuke will come, no problem about this :) So no need for cloning copyrighted stuff :D


Your last ideas will probably used with the Alien2-gun, i'll take a look into this.


About playtesting: I have a test-game with saves at several points of the gameflow AND i use the "allitems" cheat sometimes.

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Lol for BlackAlmaz comment :power: Hm, well i could make a rocket launcher with VERY fast fire-rate that would almost look like what you've suggested, BUT i would have to make it's damage a bit smaller , otherwise it would be too strong. Ok, i'll do one :)


Oh, btw i've uploaded version 5.1 of my mod to Slaughter! Here's the small readme:


"Changes (v.5.1 "naked")

-Added the BFG9000, a knife, and the OICW! TheBFG9000 will become available after the research of the Warp resonator and then win a new base. With a bit of luck you'll get one.

-Adjusted some damages (e.g. Flare has a damage now, albeit a small one. :D)

-Health packs readjusted

-Added an icon for EVERY ammotype! That was some work i can tell you! :)

-That's it, what do you expect in two days, huh ? :) "


Included in the zip is a small screenshot of the two cyborgs wearing the Berzerk armor and carrying two of the new weapons.


CU soon with 5.2 :(

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It is a long-range version of the Resonator with higher damage but less shots and heavier. AND you can't produce it, you have to win it (bases). But i'll maybe add them to the aliens loadouts in a later version, so watch out :power: (Especially BlackAlmaz, lol) :)
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well i still cant get the mod to work....cause of some cherctor loading erro...but i'm still doing some moding of my own


here is a idea....use the caw in Rifle anymation type and it looks like a new weapon...the BIW..or some thing else..if you add a tube underneath it it will look like the fn2000...like the one in splinter cell

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The mod was made with/for the 1.3 patch, maybe it doesn't work with 1.2 . :)


Btw, i've sent 5.2 to Slaughter which adds another weapon, i hope he doesn't get confused and only posts the later one.




Changes (v.5.2 "naked")

-completely redesigned the BFG9000, now it's more like the original one from Doom :power:

-added the NUKER, a small tactical nuclear weapon.

-Added another ammo type for the SLAW

-OICW sounds changed.


Btw, BlackAlmaz, if you want to convert the RBmod for the 1.2 users, please do so, you can use all the files in it freely for that task. I don't have 1.2 installed anymore, but i think the problems are caused by changes in listofcreature.txt mainly. Maybe you could upload here when finished, this way we could cover all users, the lucky ones with 1.3 and the others with 1.2 only. Or shall i do a version without the changed listofcreature.txt? What do you think?

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It looks like all our dreams our coming true. It's getting to be like Christmas everyday around here!


Thanks Aralez.


We can live without combat teleporters, if you can create some weapon that teleports the payload through walls into closets. It would be cool to teleport something behind a doorway and have it explode killing anything behind the door and taking out the door as well.


Did you ever see that episode of Deep Space Nine with Ezri Dax, where she calls up the memories of her former psychopathic host and uses him to help her hunt down that serial killer Vulcan who had a sniper rifle with a built in teleporter. That Vulcan sniper guy would use sensors to look through walls and pick his victim. Then he would shoot, and the bullet would go through a site to site transporter and reappear in the person's room with the same velocity and kill them. That was a fascinating weapon, to say the least.

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Oh, you could include both the BFG9000 from 5.1 and the BFG9000 from 5.2. Put them both in. Since you get them at bases late game, having two different models will only serve to increase the chance of getting at least one of them.


Speaking of Big Guns, what about a BF-Handgun? A light weight Warp Resonator handgun? One that can be carried with Bio Armor or Sky Armor. Or a Warp Resonator with a reload cartidge. Or a combo of all of the above.

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Cheers, Aralez. :power::):D


I shouldn't be that happy, though. I was going to beat the game in Hard with RB 4.1 when you released 5.0 which was compatible with patch 1.3, so I decided to reinstall everything and begin again. I haven't got very far in this game, but now you release the icons, just what I needed to enjoy the new ammo types, so I may start another game. But then you are talking about 6.0 !!! You are making a frustrated player out of me, I'll never beat the game in hard at this pace :) :) :(

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