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Well Jut Read What I Have To Say


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You're doing a good job...finally I can use my AK 47...still some problems with the new guns...what is that Gauss gun??? ... I remember it to be a under water gun...but anyways...can u please add a heavy assault gun...e.g. a SAW...and if possible...some new guns like the British individual weapon


And can u find out if the skins can be upgraded e.g. just ad lights for the dark(so u can see beter at night..with the spotlite actauly seen) to the mp5,m4,and other assault weapons.. that in real life permit it...I finished the game on the 5th day I had it...for some reason my default file was set to difficult??? So it takes the fun out of plying the harder difficulties...funny :tank:


And I used no cheats...I never even knew this site existed...I only found it 3 days ago...and I like the mods...it makes the game more fun...I cant wait until big mods come out...


One more thing if the plains run out of fuel what does it make that chopper...not only can it fly around the world...but also mission to mission with out stops...is it a glitch cause every time I get wounded.. and straight away go to another mission there healed the only thing that stays the same is the equipment


love the improved snipers...but the vision is still to low, i need to scout to get some action from long range


if u ever make a tank pleas post it...i have some ideas...but i'm not shore the can be implomented :rolleyes: go the tank...if no tank than get a suit that can hold double geteling guns...i know its to much but there is no harm in hoping...


its a great game just needs some more Variety....

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no i am using th new mod 3.3


and i cant wait for the new one to come out...i just thought of something in my sleep...you know some maps have construction work on them...it be great if we could get up on it....id also love to see the chopper..and if posible get reinfored fire for a given range...cause those bad guy are to close to the starting position

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The new Rebalance mod (v4.1) is almost finished, it only needs some final tests (and the glossary text from Llama8). I admit it would be already finished, if i wouldn't always come to Llama8 with some new Glossary items :rolleyes: He has the patience of an angel, believe me :angel:


Expect to see SOME improvement over the "old" versions :tank:

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Ah, great to hear that! The textfile you've sent is PERFECT. No way to improve that.


Oh, and yes, patience of a saint :rolleyes: (It's good that you do the glossary texts, i would surely include more of those "twirks" ) :tank:


Ahem, is twirk the right word? :o

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