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Best Armor? Sun, Sky Or Heavy?


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Hello all,


All these armors offer similar cumilative protection but in different areas of course.


Heavy = 335

Sun = 300

Sky = 325


Which do you find most useful? I hate the speed hit from the heavy because it's difficult to out run the rocket launchers. But then when equiped with the alien armors I'm too light even with a full load, only using around 70% of my troopers load capacity.


Input appeciated...


PS I did a search but "sky" and "sun" are to short of words for search form..needs to be 4 charaters...

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The only reason to use HeavyArmour and its derivitives is so you can use the BigGuns.

I never seemed to be able to use these properly, my guys were always deploying and undeploying rather than firing so I gave up on the heavy armour and guns and just gave my whole team Sun armour and then one by one replaced with Bio as I made it.


The fact that your guys are under capacity is good as they will be able to out run the rockets and still get shots off.


As a side note I found that if I gave one guy Heavy Armour and the rest Bio the heavy guy becomes "Target number 1" for every alien in the vicinity.

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Doesn't Bio armour have a cumulative resistance of 525?

Also, which sun/sky armour is "better" depends on whether you're fighting human weapons (early/mid-game transgenants - Sun armour gives higher resistances), or alien weapons (late-game transgenants & obviously the Reticulans - Sky armour has higher resistances).

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So far, I have only found heavy armour to be useful in the second part of an alien base/ufo recovery mission because the Reticulans like to come at you from several directions at once, and they all have plasma guns. I prefer enhanced combat armour combined with psi helmets. It gives slightly less protection against most weapons, but the ability to run usually makes up for it.


I find that the first two types of alien armour are weak compared with enhanced combat armour, and I only bother with them because they are a prerequisite for adapting the later alien armour for human use.

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I like the enhanced heavy armor. Once your guys get the Minigun/DBmachine gun, the rets are as good as dead. With bio armor, you need to rely on mp7s, rockets (which I always hurt my own guys with accidentially), psi and possibly g11s. The ability to use the super heavy weapons is a big plus for me. Also, I always keep one High speed guy around to decoy rockets away from my slow but oh so killalicious soldiers. :blink:
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Did they ever fix that? The unpack-repack after every shot?

Are heavy weapons that good?


All my guys have Sun...not far enough for Sky,yet. And I've found the Super Striker pretty effective so far. You don't even to have line of sight...which is great for those DeathBellows!!!

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