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Everything seems to be going well as far as I can tell......just one thing.....

I really hope that there will be some sort of option to auto-intercept or something, as the end of X-com1 got extremely annoying as millions of alien ships fly around and you loose if u dont shoot down at least half of them.

and as a personal thing, I dont think with the best armour you should die in one hit......I hate 1 hit kills unless its from blasters.

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It would seem to me that getting killed in one hit keeps the game "real", in that you won't be cowboying your men around at the end of the game, running into firefights and being invincible. Yes, the way I've presented it is a bit on the extreme side. Having said that, I probably would expand my list beyond just blasters... some heavy weapons maybe. If I got killed by a pistol while wearing uber-heavy armour though, I might cry. :laugh:
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  • 2 months later...

Well i guess its now a 1 hit kill discussion.... yea they suck, but in Apoc i could do the final mission with just one Anhilalator and my elite team. just stack up on the BB (forget what they are called here) and just blow the place up, much like the vid shows. In UFO i wouldnt take anything but my full Avenger, its almost suicide.


One hit kills suck. Agreed. But we all know its just so much more exciting when that unarmored trooper survives a direct hit from a heavy plasma. (only to die in the next turn from wounds....) I think its worse to have a game were your men are nearer to invincible tho, just give it a good armor VS weapon and have a heavy armor easely resist light ammo, (fallout 1 had the idea giving armors absorption against certin tipes of weaps, bullet, energy, fire, exploive, been a long time) make AP rounds have real AP value, basically have weps be better vs some armors (and aliens) then others even if that (the first) wep is better overall.



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