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General Questions


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First off, Id like to say what a pleasant surprise it was to come back these forums after about a month or two off (during the switch) to come back and see these awesome screenshots of the game. All I saw before today was the artwork, which is great and all, but nothing compared to the game itself. I was very happy to see the all-familiar geoscape too... oooh the memories.


Anyways, some specific things that werent brought up in the FAQ was how to actually develop your characters. It mentions stats but not how they are used or what does what. Are the stats on a scale of 1-10? How does a character get to be a sniper, how would a stat of 6 (assuming its a 1-10 kinda like the Ghost Recon stat thingy) differ from a stat of 7, better chances to hit? Better camo? Better accuracy?

I dont wanna assume too much so Ill let someone try to answer before I keep rambling on... :P


Also, can you make new bases or do you just use existing ones? :hmmm:


In the old Xcoms, when I first got into the game I would save/reload as to not lose my fave troops, is there anything that will not allow that in AM? I suppose you dont sell self-control eh? :laugh:


Can anyone comment on more of the weapons? Are there Rocket Launchers? Mini-guns? Mortars? All it mentions are "standard weapons". ???



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Are you keeping the grid system or is it a full 3d engine no holds barr.


i mean is scenery made up of blocks and therefore destructable in a strange modular way and all the other probs.


i think grid is a bad idea.


sorry, not meaning to sound blunt



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