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The impossible mission...


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(my first game...)


Recently downed my first large battleship, somewhere over the Russian Steppes over terrain which was mountainous (wilderness location)...


After arriving at the site, I located the UFO sat atop a large rocky outcrop. When I asked a sqaud member to make his way to the green square (to see the route), he replied that he couldn't make it.


After clearing out all the resident aliens, I studied the map to discover that there was no path to the teleport zone. There was a single line of tiles I could not enter becuase the gradient of the rock face was too steep to enter.


I would have assumed that becuase the map generation is random, that there would need to be an accessibility check for cases like this?


I tried reloading before I got there, but it looks like the location map is fixed as soon as the UFO is shot down.


Sadly I don't have the save as the location dissapeared once the mission was deemed as failed (although I made sure to pick up all the goodies which the plethora of aliens left behind before leaving!)


Mind you, the game obviously felt sorry for me, as I started right next to the green square during my next downed UFO encounter :laugh:





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I'm not sure the maps are randomly generated too much - the same area seems to bring up the same map on a few occasions.


I've seen that map though, but I didn't have UFO access by then anyway. Just shot the Reticulans and dusted off :laugh:

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I had exactly the same problem when trying to rescue downed pilot "Mike".


There was no path the the green area at all, gradients were too steep and there were too many trees blocking the way also. Tried for about 15mins to try and get there, no luck. Even the mutants near the green area couldn't get close enough to me to attack because off there being no path across.

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I'm not sure the maps are randomly generated too much - the same area seems to bring up the same map on a few occasions.

Indeed, you're absolutely right. Playing some more last night (damn this is addictive :laugh:) I shot down three UFO's in more or less the same area, map was near-enough identical for two of them and it was the one where I started right next to the green teleport square again... :)


If it is indeed, only the one map that's got a problem, should be fairly straight forward to fix, I'd think (or was it done on purpose? :))


...it's just a shame we can't go 'up' and 'down' like TFTD...



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I too ahve had this problem. especially with the map with the bent over trees. I've been stuck in the starting corner.

Also once I started with 4 of those hermit car aliens all around me. Wasn't very fair :laugh:

This happened to me as well, half of my team were stuck. It happened on the same type of area too. The should have at least made it so that you could destroy the vegitation.

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