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How to edit Weaponary


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You can probably do a search for a file editor called XC2ME2. As a weapon editor, it's decent enough, but it works quite well if all you want to do is fiddle around with your weapons. It doesn't give you complete power over your weapons (like weapon handedness, melee damage (for drills and thermal tazer), grenade-ness (Yes, yes, I know that's not a word)), but it's good enough if all you want to do is edit speeds, costs, damage type, ammo type and damage strengths.


It works with UFO as well, as the weapon table entries are identical.


If you want to piece together a custom editor of your own, or you plan to do a bit of hex editing, look for the file geodata/obdata.dat. You can easily work out what's what just by matching known values (from the ufopaedia) with values in this file. (hint, if you use MS-Edit for your hex-editing, open the file as binary and set the columns to 54)


If I could only just get some free time to work on perfecting my obdata class... oh well.



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Thanks for your help!

I found a website where I downloaded the programm.


So I edited the Gauss weapons and started the game but nothing has changed as I loaded a savegame. Must I restart the game to see the changes?


Or must I edit some files in the Game_X directory?

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If you mean having to restart the game, no, all effects in obdata.dat are shared across the savegames. Are you sure the changes were actually saved? Doublecheck just to be sure by reopening the editor and have a look at the weapons you changed.


Note, you cannot make the changes while the game is running in the background. The game will have loaded the information from obdata.dat prior to the new changes. Restart the game to have them take effect.


Also make sure that the edited obdata.dat file is actually saved in the geodata directory. It won't work anywhere else. :P



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  • 1 month later...

XComutil's weapon editing capabilities are limited at best. It can affect changes on some of the weapons, but it's not meant to be a weapon editor. For more exotic weapon builds, say you want some corpses to behave like grenades, you'd need to manually modify the object table yourself.


I'm rather content with the weapons as-is, though from time to time it can be fun to experiment with new types of weapons just for the novelty value.



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  • 1 month later...

Hmm, if I was to edit any one weapon in TFTD, it would definately be the dart pistol, improving it to match the pistol in UFO, which really is a nice weapon.


Apart from that... maybe removing water-only from a weapon or two :angel:

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