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What about this...

Its a couple around a thousand or so years after Apocolypse, the human race has yet again come under attack by an alien race only this time, despite the best efforts of X-COM they have been defeated. The human race are then rounded up herded into a solar system where it turns out that this alien race have defeated and enslaved multiple other races. In this solar system the species are all divided and put in with the multiple other races. The whole point of the game is to try to gather up as many recruits as possible and try to break free of the slavery.

I know there are alot of flaws in this but what do u all think of the basic concept?

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aftermath is sounding quite good... similar to a modern (well, relatively) remake of the UFO games.. the weapons are going to be real ones, rather than just "rifle" etc they have mp5s, AK-47's etc as well as complete alien guns and hybrid guns. I think i read somewhere that the story behind it was an alien virus spread over the world? gameplay wise it sounds as though you push forward with missions and build small bases as a defense for what you can conquered over the aliens, although im not sure what sort of scale this will be on (the whole world, just one country etc..)
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That sounds really cool. Do u think that that will actually happen about the actual guns. Do u know what'd b really cool? If there was som sort of actual sniper and if u culd get like, different vihecles and stuff to use in battles, eg bikes and jeeps etc
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im afraid to say i dont think they are having vehicles :( and i think that means no tanks as well as no civilian vehicles :/ and also i think that the people you recruit are specialists in areas (EG sniper, engineer etc) which could be cool in that it would be easier to establish a team of different characteristics.. I think also some missions depend on you having the right person on the team, but probably just harder than normal not using a specialist
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from the screenshots i have seen, it seems that inner city missions are included, and these were in a rubble post-apocalypse style, so im not sure how effective vehicles would be, but it would be nice to have some sort of apc like in aliens haha :( also the game is all spiny-rotaty view (TM :( ) so it will be nice and easy to get all angled views of possible grenades and stuff on the floor (I always found that going by far walls in enemy unknown i wouldnt spot alien grenades thrown against them :( )
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the official website is here

but also there is a fan site with quite a bit of information (Good FAQ) which is here


its set to come out sometime this year if i remember.. and yes it shall be a definate game to buy for me :( (as long as a get a new pc...), but i dont think i will give up the original x-com stuff :(

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Currently, the game is developed with the current minimum requirements in mind :


Pentium III 500 MHz


GeForce video card with minimum 16 MB onboard RAM

DirectX 7 and OpenGL compatible hardware


Suggested system for optimum performance is :


Pentium III 1 GHz

256 MB RAM

GeForce 3 with 64 MB onboard RAM




i just about make the min about from video card im not sure... but i think it would be better with the suggested

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