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The Veteran

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Vet thinks they do make their own rifles, I bet. He has a different view of reality. Remember XCOM buys its pistols and rifles, the engineers only manufacture alien and laser weapons (and, OK, medikits and motion scanners). It makes perfect sense to me they would use standard military suppliers.


What do you mean, stop a dinosaur? Those can't even stop a muton - and it takes more than a clip to drop a Reaper!

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They aren't dinosaurs JFish, they're aliens. Mutons are thicker skinned than any creature earth forces have seen before! And I know they buy their weapons but they buy their autocannons, heavycannons and rocket launchers too and look at those pictures! Sure the guns exist in real life military situations but these weapons are clearly made specifically for XCom.

Look at the launcher for example... What self respecting military force would have a rocket launcher that had such a small range and such a contained explosion? It's clearly a specialised Commando weapon in my eyes. I can't think that they would bother making their own grenades and mines but rifles and pistols I think they would. Remember the Alliance screenshots? The UFOpedia entry for the rifle had an XCom logo emblazonned on the side. It was manufactured by XCom for XCom and that was about 2060 was it? So why if they're making their own weapons then would they not be doing it in the first war? Plus, if they hadn't been doing it in the first war yet they won hands down anyway, why would they ever bother to start manufacturing their own guns?

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I have to disagree, Vet. There's a few reasons. It'd be cheaper to buy from an established military supplier rather than set up your owns weapons factory. Why make your own guns when you can buy quality weapons that are proven to work in a wide range of combat situations? And how hard is it to paint/etch an insignia on a gun? Also, in the UFO fic, the rifle is referred to as the G36, which is made by Heckler & Koch.

So there. :)

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So why if they're making their own weapons then would they not be doing it in the first war? So why if they're making their own weapons then would they not be doing it in the first war?


If I recall correctly, it's because the plot in Alliance has the X-COM forces you control teleported away from the Sol system by over sixty light years. There aren't any suppliers they can buy weapons from, so they have to make them on their own.

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FullAuto, we actually decided on the G36 for the fic back in a very old discussion about restarting the fic (apparently there was a fic before my time, even). So that's all made up too...


Vet, I thought you were the one who first mentioned dinosaurs. Anyhow. Here's a theoretical situation: would a pistol firing .45 ammo drop a raptor faster or slower than it would drop a reaper? Not that I'd want to be in the arena with either, mind you.

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A pistol would have a hard time dropping a raptor or a reaper no matter how big the bullets were! I couldn't say though, I've never met ither :) I'd like to think that the Reaper is probably thicker skinned. Think how agile Raptors were compared to the big fat lumbering reapers...
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Well, the G36 has been knocking around since 97/98, so I just thought that was what the fic was referring to.  Are you telling me that they just plucked a letter/number combination out of the air?

They is us. Unless the XCOM game mentions G36 somewhere I wasn't aware of. I believe Zager first indicated the H&K G36 for our consideration in the fic, back in the older discussion thread.

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  • 2 years later...

Oh my word! I can't believe that the fics have been moving this slowly and I'd completely forgotten about this topic :thinking: Created for just such an emergency!!!


Now how does this thing work again...









Now come on, get your sorry backsides into those fanfics and start those creative juices aflowing!


And if anyone wants to kick off about an official pistol again feel free but as FA said two and a half years ago I shall once again take a stand :eh:

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Yeah in all honesty I think I can post in att three actually :thinking: Just haven't had the time lately, its so much quicker to harass other people into posting than it is to do it myself :eh: I'll try and get at least one of them posted in soon. Feel free to join me though BB :eh:
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Could you hurry up and resolve the terror mission in the Enemy Unknown thread? I don't mind being ordered to contribute to the EU story so I can have an X-Com veteran in the TFTD story, but I can't introduce him until X-Com returns to base, which should take about 18 months :thinking:
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I don't have time to read thoroughly enough to avoid having to have TJ edit my writing, so I'm just going to let him write it.....or anybody who really does know what's going on and who everybody is!
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Aww Tam :P That's never good news. I don't want to write for other people's characters any more than I have to, that's what makes it a cooperative fanfic :thinking: Besides its nice to have you about the place, you give it a woman's touch :eh: None of us can do it and theres like five or six female characters floating about... Go on Tam, stay :eh:
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I'll try, sweetie, but I start a four-week crash course in Restoration and 18th century drama tomorrow. It's the last one before I write my thesis--assuming I can count. :thinking:
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Hey, last guy who ended up disrespecting my character ended up being taken to the Ark Royal and keelhauled.


Considering how chauvanistic the Royal Navy is (you think they WANTED equal opportunities for women?), there are only two ways a blond woman can rise to the rank of Commodore: be an icy professional who outperforms the boys or sleep her way to the top. Which would you rather have leading the resistance to invading aliens? :thinking:

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I love the Commodore, it's a great character, I imagine she'll loosen up at some point too... To be honest she'll have to or there'll be a riot on her hands! These guys put their life on the line ever day, they deserve respect...


Still, she's not quite Tammy :thinking:

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She's building up some team spirit already though; I liked the way Uriaheep had some of the characters working together to get one over her with that painting on the Triton. They'll probably try to have a drunken party without her finding out :thinking:


Considering the situation the Commodore inherited, she's having to force through a lot of changes very quickly, somthing that requires a tough no-nonsense approach; she simply does not have the time to be a consensus builder. We'll see other aspects of her personality when things happen like soldiers she sends out to fight the aliens come back in bodybags (or not at all).


There isn't a dedicated medic yet, so if Tammy wants to have a similar character...

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Too true.. We already have Tammy medics in two fics why not make it all three? Come on Tam :thinking: I know u'll be busy with your thingie but TFTD's only just started so you could easily go along with that. And there's a quick ref for UFO up too so you should be able to get back into that too... Come on pleeeeeeease!!!!
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