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UFO Fanfiction Discussion

Carlos the Jackal

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Cajun? Damn. Ok, I'll keep that in mind.

Going off your base schematic, JFG, how's this for an infil/exfil : Terrick goes down to level 4, gains entry to the lab stores, uses the lift next to the bog to go up to level 3 and exits the lift directly into the physics lab, copies down the details for the motion sensor, then takes the lift back down to level 4, goes out through the lab stores door and moves back up to his quarters.

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That looks like it would work. I was thinking that there would be motion sensors (the optical kind) inside the labs and stores, but the bleary-eyed scientists forgot to turn it on. Maybe since the labs and stores are connected like they are, the motion sensor systems would be linked - for (again bleary eyed) scientists might use the internal lift to go down to the stores and accidentally set off the alarm.


But whatever you think of is good. I was extremely vague in describing what kind of security system they didn't enable. And I'm sure a more professional hacker than Ki-Tat can make an untraceable keycard hack, somehow.


You'll do fine, anyway.

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Yeah, what Ali said.

Maybe get to know the habits of a few scientists who work alone and notice they've left the lights on again. "Bump" into them in the loo and copy the details of their card onto your own card reader (range about 1 inch) then slip the card back into their pocket. Then convince them to go to bed, they're soooo tired. :(

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Hmm. How about a unique number on each card that only shows up under the UV/IR sensor?

Is that a bad idea? I can't tell. I'm tired. I'm finishing off a bit of my Agents fic at the moment, so if anyone wants to write Terrick's sneaking in the next day or two, feel free. Otherwise I'll do it. :(

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I'm guessing Vets gone AWOL again. I wonder what his plans for Genega were.


Was he shot? Kidnapped? By who? An X-Com agent? Some other agent? An alien? If it was a base assualt, then we kinda sorta passed it by...


Should we make something up, wait for Vet, or should I just mod it out...?

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I've read that bit BB, over and over, and I'm still not sure what Vet intended. I reckon we leave it in for now, and wait til Vet comes back, and he can tell us what he meant by it. You can always use your Mod Powers later.

There's a post, too. Hope it's ok. If you don't like it, then you should have wrote it yourself! :(

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No problem, BB. :(

For following posts, we've got plenty to deal with. Pickering handing out a hefty bollocking to everyone, an enlarged guard presence perhaps, Howitz's integration into Squad 1, Ghost's integration into whichever squad Snikers wants (he seems to be the de facto controller for Ghost, having written his intro), Johann joining a squad if anyone wants to write it (Spaceman42 is on holiday, I think) and anything else we can think of.

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Nice, Fullauto. Very nice. Still... why did it have to be Daniel you stole the card from? :(


What would procedure be after this? I'm guessing they'd lay low with the knowledge so as not to blow it? Even a surprise inspection (for said ski mask) would be too much, right?


But that's a really really good post.


Oh! And Warlord's back, too! Yay!

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Well, with him being head scientist I thought his keycard would get Terrick wherever he needed to go, although I suppose any scientist's card would have done, in retrospect.

A general alarm wouldn't achieve much, as they lost Terrick on level 2, which is where everyone sleeps, so the entire X-Com staff is now suspect. They probably would keep it quiet, go over the lab with a fine toothcomb for fingerprints etc but there are limits to how far they could take any avenue of investigation without making the intrusion general knowledge.

Pickering would probably come down like a ton of bricks on Daniel & Dana at first, but he'd find out in short order what they were actually up to. Don't forget about the guard tied up in the lab stores, either. After he's found, he'll cop a right earful.

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Don't worry about it.


The only paragraph that's a real trouble is:

“Genega is going to fire me if he finds out about this.” Daniel gnawed his lip. “He’s a military commander. He doesn’t have much patience for eggheads. We’re not getting results quickly enough to suit him. He’s going to find out about this and he’s going to fire me. I am so fired.”

Just change that to "Photon is going to fire me", get rid of the "no patience eggheads, results too slow" line, (and the military commander line) and it's fixed.



“Yes, General, I am totally incompetent. Fit to run a science division? Yes, sir, why not...”

Can be changed to "Yes, Photon" (Or Doctor or something, probably). And "division" to "team." and you're fixed.


Of course, I could be too late, or you could have your own ideas. If that's the case, then please do take your idea over mine.

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Good God, no, that's damaged enough already! :( Well, that solves the mystery of the fanfic mistake. And I would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling...uh...Canuck?

As for the beer smiley, I can only echo your sentiments. It's a dark day for smileykind.

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