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Ego Terrorist

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Have a good time and happy birthday, my communist friend. :)


And Pickers, you should try to format your machine, 'tis probably possessed! :devil:


PS: Oh, wait, I thought you were Chinese. Well, ditch the "communist" part. :)

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Bugger me!!


230+ Viruses. One a Worm, the other a Trojan.


Well I'm now begining to lock down my computer, I've d/l ZoneAlarm to act as my firewall, and SpyBot Search and Destroy to guard against evil spyware. Now all I need is a working virus scanner. But for the time being the one I used to scan my HDD and clean (or in this case delete) the worm files which were poping up in every shared fricking folder!


(I think I shall the brains of Trend see what they think is up with my copy of PcCillin 2000)


Bugger me again!!


Yesterday I started work. I was apparantly given the worse job in the factory. 3x5 litre bottles had to be loaded onto pallets which were stacked 4 bottles high. Apparantly so I gather from one of my colleages that collectively the three of us would of shifted about 80 pallets - 30 tons, I believe was what he said.


Fortunatly I have a 5 day weekend before I go back to work. However I now have a sore back, a bigish blister and more than my fair share of paper cuts. Ugh...


Oh and a pre-emptive "Happy Birthday Chung!!!" To..um...chung... :)


Edit: Thanks Skonar for providing links to Spybot and Trend Micro Housecall! (The online Virus scanner!)

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hehe....have fun! and thanks all. and i am chinese. who said i can't be a.....HYBRID!


DIE YOU USELESS SCUM! (hrm...this seems familiar)

:: draws out bren gun and shoots everyone ::

ahem.....uhhh....sorry about that. just ignore that and walk along...

:: starts whistling, and walks off ::

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Hey Pickers, try searching Google for AVG antivirus scanner. It's freeware and yet takes care of most if not all your virus/worm troubles. Takes up much less resources than other alternatives as well. :)


Communists, us? I do like the China side in C&C but that's as far as I go. PURE Chinese here but I rather not bore you guys with Malaysian history. Let's just say that there are Chinese communities outside of China due to immigration a couple of centuries ago. :)

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heh. i;m all chinese as well, but thanks to england, i'm 100% democratic. :) well, its been almost 7 years since HK was handed back to china, but its still like 93 years before its totally under china's administation or something like that...

well actually, the theory behind comunism is good. everyone is even and has the same stuff. but people need motovation, and if the bum next door who does nothing gets the same as an X-com soldior, then wheres the motovation? whats gonna make you get up in the morning and go to work? and also, it seems the corrupt government gets more "even" than the average joe. well, thats my 2 cents (rounded up to 5 cents, cuz we don't have 2 cents over here. :))

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Well, yes, the idea behind communism is quite good, but it goes against human instinct. Our inherent competitiveness and greed will always make us want to have more money, more than our neighbours. That's why communism systems fall in the end, corruption overwhelms them.


China is an exception so far, because it has implemented several doctrines that a dogmatic communist power wouldn't have (like the Soviet Union). For example, the chinese economical system is quite capitalistic for a communist regime.

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That's why communism systems fall in the end, corruption overwhelms them.

This is why any system fails. Corrupt morals has been the downfall of most all forms of government thus far.


That's the one thing capitalism seems to fix and damage at the same time. For one thing, people gain the capital through labor... Meaning they gain what's deserved. But, through things like inheritance and the lack of an income cap, it means that people may gain luxuries they don't deserve while others just end up with the shaft.


Communism removes the threat of people getting the shaft and people getting what they haven't worked for. The one problem is exactly what Shadow said, the instinct to compete.


But, while I believe Communism works better at the moment, Democracy would likely be far superior if it weren't for the uber corrupt governments employing it... (Just my opinionated 2 cents there. :) )

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To quote George Owell: "Everyone is equal, its just that some are more equal than others."


Which is why in my opinion Communism, especially where the state controls the market will never really work that well. Socialism, Marxism and Communism, are all very well and good in theory, but once put into practice it usually fails that or has the average joe living averagely, and those in power living a life that isn't all too equal...

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lol, my comp is semi stable-ish...it's not crashing like it used to and its shutting down properly, so right now I'm refraining from typing the arcane spell of "Format c: /s". I'll go on a quest to locate this AVG antivirus scanner. But it had better be smallish, as I'm on glorious 56k!
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Indeed, I recommend an anti-virus software and this topic turns into a political discussion.  :)


Not that I don't enjoy reading everyone's views of course.  :)

I'd keep going, but I'm afraid an administrator will come along and shut down the topic before it "gets out of hand". >_<


I love having political discussions, but even I know there's a time and place. >_<

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I like having political discussions too, as long as I have some knowledge about the subject. :) I hate it when people talk and talk without really knowing what they're talking about. :)


To quote Confucius:

"Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous."

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  • 3 months later...



I know your game, I know that the 'evil one who's name cannot be spoke out aloud in these hallowed walls'. BILL GATES!!! WROTE BUGS INTO WIN98SE and all other MicroEVIL programs so that you could drive me mad! But I'll show you! I'LL SHOW YOU!!


Soon I'll uninstall all the programs on you, my computer, and then I'll back up my important docs to CD...then I'll clear out all of the files in 'MyWork' and then you'll be on your own...just Windows 98SE and me...and then the fun will begin....oh yes it will...I'll start deleteing files in the Windows folder. Oh yes! I will! I'll start with the non critical stuff...like screen savers and back grounds and solitare...then I'll move up to the hard stuff....dlls, System and System32 folders...then if you're still working and havn't crashed I'll delete some .exes and watch you scream!! mwhahaaha HAAHAHAHAHA MWHAAAAAHHAAHA!


And once you're dead, I'll format you, but not once, three times...then I'll partition your hard drive...and I'll install Windows 98SE and Linux MWHAHAHAHA! and the people that know think I'm insane!!! I'll show them and I@ll show BILL GATES THE SPAWN OF A REAL EVIL thingy...and just to make doubly sure that his evil hacking agents can't break my precioussssssss....I'll buy Norton Internet Security and then I'll laugh as they bash against my firewall!








*deep calming breaths* Damn that feels good, better than screaming or breaking my wireless keyboard. I'm quite sane don't worry, but tiredness, mixed with a sticky warm (thunder tonight I reckon) and an impossible number of crashes in one day has made me stress to the point of wanting to break things. But yes, when I get the opportunity, I'm going to format this swine (three times) and I'll reinstall everthing and I might include Linux (can't be arsed to fork out for XP) But not before I put this computer through torture


...stress...computer rage...illegal operations...ack!



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Heh. Man, just use ZoneAlarm (it's free), and steal... uh... "borrow"... no, wait, uh... "license"... a copy of Win2k from work. :) Or a friend. It's not like you have to register it or anything.


Win2k is much more stable than Win98-whatever, I can keep my computer on for days and days without rebooting... and it's better than XP 'cause it doesn't have all the "convenience" features.


Worst case scenario, you can buy it. It can't be all that expensive now, especially if you can find an OEM box.



For even more fun, uninstall random hardware drivers.


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I wonder... Perhaps the computer will take the proverbial "cyanide" pill and have a critical corruption in the data files before you're even able to back up the data. It happened to me recently, just make sure you commence torture real discreetly...


Perhaps try to tempt it into believing your intentions are benevolent by holding a windows upgrade to Windows 2000 in front of the moniter... Just smile and say "here you go, little guy! Nice new upgrade for you" Then while it's distracted, quickly open up your CD burning soft in the background and discreetly copy all your important crap. Then... Throw the Windows 2K box to the ground and stomp on it maniacally, enjoying the tears of shock and sadness from the moniter's eyes... Or screen rather... Then pull out your Linux CD and watch it back into the corner of your desk in fear. Then slowly open up MS-DOS and VERY slowly type "Format C:" while listening to it's rapidly grunting hard drive noise quiver in fear.


That wouldn't be quite as torturous... But more funny to watch in my opinion.


Have fun with whatever you choose to do to your computer, Pickles. :angel:

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