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Ufo defence financial warning flag


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I think the flag you're after is stored in the Diplom.dat file in your savegame folder. It also holds the funding changes for the year that you see on the graphs among other things.


You can either manually edit the file with a hex editor and change the satisfaction flag so that they don't sign a pact. Or make a new savegame and copy the diplom.dat file over to your current save to reset everyone.


For more information on the file structure if you do plan to use a hex editor:





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Hi all, how i can reset financial warning flag ?

Losing the game to a financial warning should do it. Starting a new game from scratch might re-initialise, but I'm not sure.


I'm sure you can do it manually with a hex-editor, but I'm not 100% sure how. I haven't needed to do it myself, since I rarely get financial warnings.

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