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Another Problem 4 me in UFO


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I have another problem in UFO. I start a game and do a mission after that next time i do a mission as soon as i order 1 of my men to step out of the skyranger it finishes the mission with the same results as last time, and sometimes it crashes and it say cannot load mission2 or something like that CAN YOU HELP ME I CANT LIVE WITHOUT X-COM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ican pick one up for you and send it to you, but by that time it may or may not be worthwhile for you in terms of cost.


Try loading another save file and playing around for a few minutes. Try starting a new game for a few minutes. Sometimes playing another file helps to jog the game back onto the right track... it sounds stupid, sorta like Windows, but it might work. :D

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I have found the problem but i dont like wat i have to do to correct it, if i order 1 of my men out with no armour it crashes to desktop but if i order a man to go out with flying suit armour its ok, personal armour i dont know yet, but dragonhawk i will PM u about that X-Com CE
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UFO is a very buggy game on pretty much any and every system you play it on.

It usually is luck and if you start off a game with problems then they'll be there the whole way through.

Just out of interest Neo... How is it that you have flying armour on your second mission? :D;)

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I would like to suggest that you have a look in the TFTD forum and go to the first page of "Trouble in missions".


I put up a few suggestions that you could try and see if they help you get around this problem. They aren't defininte solutions though, so they may not work for everyone.



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