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Games that excite you?

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I havent really been excited over a new strategy game. I dont mind the new Xcom but I love the old one. I also used to play Earth 2150 and Dune.


But in the last few weeks Ive gotten all excited over EA doing Star Wars games and a little unknown game Artifact Red X. Im excited because it looks like it might fill that strategy hole ive had for a while and when the disappointment of EA's SW titles washes over im hoping this little gem does the trick!! Its up on KS - i put the link in there in 'kicksomething' thread https://www.strategycore.co.uk/forums/topic/9635-kickstart-something/page__st__240?do=findComment&comment=124485


the SW news is all over the web so im not linking it here.


So what im saying is, what game, maybe its a small indie game or a blockbuster really gets you going? and why??

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It's been a while since I was genuinely excited about a game release. So called AAA games are screwing up so much lately, specially when they aim at concluding trilogies; and most indie games are not as huge in scope as I'd like, even though there are really awesome ideas there, I'd say the most innovation in electronic games (consoles/PC) is happening in the indie scene.


I'm not sure if I'm excited, mainly because I've been burned too much, last game I was ecstatic about was Aliens: Colonial Marines, and we all know what a piece of shit that was (I'd rather replay AvP2 than play CM), but I'm really looking forward to Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues. The main reason is that Richard Garriott is a freaking legend in RPG history, his Ultima series was a cornerstone in the development of the genre.


That said, I'm more taking a more cautious excitement approach. First, people who used to be awesome showed me that they can quickly degenerate into amateurs with no talent (case in point any Spielberg movie of the last years, any George Lucas movies after Episode VI). Also, I've read a lot of talk that sounds suspiciously like MMO mechanics; and I strongly believe MMORPGs are extremely subpar in what refers to a proper gaming RPG experience (my latest experience is Guild Wars 2, one of the better IMO, but that doesn't really make it a great game, just a great MMO).


Ah, I forgot, I am indeed excited about Torment, they seem to be taking the old school isometric approach and returning to their roots, which is superb, same goes for Shadowrun Returns and Wasteland 2.


Curious how they are all kickstarted games.


PS: and I read about a shameless Dungeon Keeper ripoff about to be released on Steam (not Dungeons) which was praised even by Dungeon Keeper's creator, so, I wanna see what's that going to be.

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Wait, Avatar? Virtues? Richard Garriott? Are they going to ret-con and sweep aside the wreck that was 9 and give the Avatar and the big red muppet the proper send off they deserve? Hot diggity - I'm in for some of that action.


But to be honest I'd very much prefer have it a mostly single-player experience with asynchronous mulitplayer elements that add to the gameplay. I always felt that making Ultima an MMO was what caused the series to decline towards the end.



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Wait, Avatar? Virtues? Richard Garriott? Are they going to ret-con and sweep aside the wreck that was 9 and give the Avatar and the big red muppet the proper send off they deserve? Hot diggity - I'm in for some of that action.


But to be honest I'd very much prefer have it a mostly single-player experience with asynchronous mulitplayer elements that add to the gameplay. I always felt that making Ultima an MMO was what caused the series to decline towards the end.




It's a whole new world and new story, Richard Garriott doesn't have the rights for Ultima, sadly.

They are aiming at something like what you're describing, a strong single player in which you can jump to a multiplayer world anytime you want. I care little for the multiplayer aspects, I just want a good RPG.


Also, they are already planning like 5 or 6 games, Shroud of the Avatar being the first one. And yes, there will be virtues :D

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I will never buy a game that is A) Published by EA or B) Developed by EA. I would rather drink my own urine (Which usually contains alcohol). I'm slightly confused to what you're saying, are you meaning games in general? Games that are current in the main stream or -what?!
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Just don't hate the non-EA games that they repackaged in their EA Classics line. Like System Shock 2 or Dungeon Keeper 2. O'course, that was a decade ago...



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  • 2 weeks later...
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I've been watching some of Kikoskia's Let's Play videos on Youtube recently, reliving some games I never-got-to-play-in-my-childhood. Okay, not exactly reliving them considering I never played them before, but certainly wanted to or heard friends rave about. Anyway it was a roll on effect from rewatching his X-Com LP's.


A couple of the games featured in his recent videos that got me rather excited included FTL (Faster Than Light). It coincidentally just had a sale on GOG for a couple of US$ dollars.


Also, possibly the most jaw dropping game ever created in recent times. Super Amazing Wagon Adventure, a "historically accurate" shoot-em-up set in America's wild west during the days settlers braved the dangers of the Oregon trail. You've really got to see it to believe it. Check Kiko's playlist if you're interested:



Sorry, while I'm partly being tongue in cheek here, I've honestly never had a game that grabbed my attention so much in a very-very long time. It's just so blooming random and 'out there' that I can't help loving it. Or maybe I'm just hypnotised by that soundtrack.



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If you get a chance, grab FTL. I got my GOG version on sale for 75% off which was a steal. smile.png I first heard about FTL from Jefmajor's "Lets Play" on YouTube, and later, from Silencer. It's well worth it. wink.png


Concerning the Super Amazing Wagon Adventure, all I can say is "Meh". I'd much rather play Oregon Trail than a random shoot-em-up. To each his own though. happy.png


- Zombie

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FTL's already in my game chest. For US$2.49, I thought why not. Now to find some time to actually play it.


Super Amazing Wagon Adventure appeals to me more for its utter absurdity than anything else. ;)



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  • 7 months later...

Last week I was playing a little FTL due to a borked internet connection. (I started off fresh with a clean install as I wanted to unlock things all over again). Anyhow, still had the normal Kestrel, equipped with the standard Artemis + Burst Laser II and a ion weapon which I picked up along the way. Luck was on my side and I had a few extra crew members that I acquired from various missions. My shields were nearly maxed out but not all the way.


I happened across an enemy that wanted a fight, so I engaged. Their shields were as good as mine so we were equally matched, but it had a defense drone. We traded shots for a while and nobody seemed to be able to penetrate the others shielding. My Artemis missiles were being destroyed by the drone and the ion weapon + burst laser combo didn't have enough power to disable the enemies shields (or drone control for that matter). It was basically a stalemate as far as I could see. Disgusted, I set my weapons on auto-fire and tabbed out to work on other things. When I came back in 15 mins or so, I noticed that somehow I was able to do damage to the ship at one point. It's drone wasn't working anymore. I'm guessing that my constant barrage whittled it's reserves of drone parts to nothing? Dunno, as I'm not an expert on the game. dntknw.gif


I targeted the enemies shields for a while and was able to make some progress damaging the ship (sure I could have used some artemis missiles again, but I wanted to save them). In the mean time, I noticed that a lot of my crew were nearly maxed out in their core ability (the area they were stationed - for example, leadership by being in the cockpit). Just for giggles, I turned my burst laser off and just let the ion weapon fire away doing no damage but prolonging the fight. Time to cross-train! Everyone on my crew was rotated to other rooms where they headed it until they capped that ability. When I was done, everyone was completely maxed in command, weapons, shields and engines. Tried to take a few screenshots, but couldn't figure out how. Anyone know?


Unfortunately, I never ran across enough scrap to finish the game and my crew started to disappear. One was killed just by a random dialog encounter, another after a boarding party killed him and another after I mismanaged his health in another boarding party raid. My 3 remaining human crew were still cross-trained in every position, but they were woefully underpowered against the near-constant Mantis boarding parties. Still, my captain had some impressive stats:


Most Combat Kills: 11

Most Piloted Evasions: 182

Most Jumps Survived: 83

Most Skill Masteries: 9


Has anyone ever cross-trained their crew before in this manner?


Anyhow, looking forward to the FTL expansion which is coming up later this year. :)


- Zombie

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Hello I'm new here, just made the account, been here before, love those AAF you guys make, especially by FullAuto.


Anyway, the game I am excited about his Jagged Alliance:Flashback, its going to be a prequel to the original jagged alliance as it is going to show the origins of AIM, something I always wondered before. I am not sure, but I think it is going to be a full 3D, turn base strategy game like Silent Storm.

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