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X-Com Meets Tabletop Gaming

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Do you Like X-Com? Do you Like Tabletop Roleplaying?


Then this kickstarter is for you : RAYD Watchcode Xeno


RAYD attempts to translate the utter lethality seen in X-Com into a fun and tactical roleplaying game. However, this is not a miniature wargame, this game has personality and story bleeding at every orifice; the world is ruled by opportunistic corporations dominated by greed and power and see the Alien invasion as nothing more than a quick way to get ahead of the competition, RAYD( the good guys you play as) are underfunded by the world to stop the alien menace, and even the aliens themselves are shattered into four very different factions that all see a way to use or destroy Mankind and all of the political conflicts that surround the planet."


But...If you would like to try before you buy, you have two options!

You can try the free RAYD Demo Package here, included with a RAYD Operation " The Oil God Schism"

']2-Mal will be running game sessions starting March 1st throughout March, until the Kickstarter ends. To join up, send an email to raydtheworld@gmail.com with your name and an email address you check often. You can also check out the calendar for game times here - RAYD The World Calendar


If you're interested in a game play demonstration, then check out my

to see some game sessions-


Hope to see all of you there!


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