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Not got much to say about this right now but consider it a placeholder for about 12 hours from now when my eyes need a break from playing this game grin.gif My Special Edition arrived at half ten and is now installing so anyone else in a similar situation (who finds time to come to the forum!!!) feel free to use this a a place to record the events of the day. It's a most memorable occassion after all!


Edit 1: Just so people can be forewarned, there's a big 1gig+ update between installing and playing and for some reason my Steam is only downloading it at 1mbps so is taking it's sweet time! So far it's just over an hour since I got my box and I'm still not playing :(

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If you manage to tear yourself away from it long enough, can you say if you have to start with the tutorial missions first? I know you can play without but does that leave you at a disadvantage? Just in case you experiment ;)
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I just made it to the first council meeting and received an A grade! Pretty good as I got massacred right at the end of one mission, had completed all objectives and killed all enemies but it seems sometimes the 'thin men' will turn up unannounced in the final stages of missions given by the council. Hopefully that's enough information to help others out when they start playing without spoiling anything tongue.png


And no Sorbicol you don't HAVE to play through the tutorial (which as you might imagine starts with the demo levels) but I'd recommend it as it gives you a fairly large portion of scripted gameplay (not in tactical though) and also gets the first few research projects done without any alien interruptions! When you start a new game it will ask if you want to play with the tutorial on or not so just make your choice. I'm meant to be capturing an alien right now but it's too risky so I'm currently ignoring the tut. and doing things my way! Apart from the train station massacre it seems to be working too!

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Right after that and I'm having the worst time ever now! Used my money from the funding council to order interceptors for NAmerica where my 2nd sattelite is. They take 3 days during which time 2 UFOs turned up in said region and shot down my sat...


Next mission I had an assault trooper miss with his shotgun at point blank range and a stun trooper fail to stun also at point blank range. Obviously they all died, they deserved to die but then my corporal bought it in heavy cover too... Really? Oh and my only real gripe with the game so far (so best you be warned now) you can't have more than one 'accessory' Currently I can have a scope for my weapon, grenades, medkits, tasers or improved armour. But only one... wtf is with that? The scope is fitted to the gun ffs! I still have room for grenades!!!

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The whole point of the game is that you're seriously underpowered the whole time. But that means giving us crap guns and rubbish troops, not to mention a 4-man team... But the inability to field an improved weapon AND grenades is a complete joke. I'm getting really frustrated by the awful quality of XCom recruits too at the moment. No matter their rank they seem inable to hit anything when it really matters. Bearing in mind the player is always outnumbered that's a VERY bad thing! Can't afford to research or manufacture any of the armour or weapon upgrades (got all laser stuff but no alloys) and cash is ridiculous, selling a sectoid corpse for $5 and having several hundred dollars a month income from the council! Sure it only costs $100 for an interceptor but the scaling is ridiculous. Think I'm going to restart a normal non-ironman man because I do love it but it seems that the player is extremely limited in what they can do. Maybe a normal game learning will help me when I return to the classic settings!
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Remember what difficulty setting you're on though - are you sure you should be surprised about these things?


Superhuman on the original with no re-loads is challenging enough, but Hake actually said he's not sure it's even possible to complete Classic Ironman though he had no doubt someone would at some point.

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Wow really? Awesome :D That explains why my normal game is going better so far then! But then half of that is due to lessons learnt. Here's a tip for others, deploy interceptors BEFORE launching satellites!!! Interceptors take 3 days, satellite is instant and an undefended satellite is a lot of time and money wasted.


Just lost my sniper in this game which is a shame but they were fairly fresh so could be worse. Got to decide between a Sniper sergeant and 4 scientists as a reward now. Can't decide :P

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Yeah, a major gripe I have it with is the either/or trade-off system that it gives you for practically everything. You are limited to one squad. Your troops are limited to whatever class the game picks for you. You can't just pick what a guy does based on his stats like in the original series. You can't just carry whatever you want into battle, it makes you pick a rifle/sniper/heavy/whatever.


One of the things I don't come down too harshly on is the movement. Granted, it takes away options, but it commits you to tactical decisions, which I consider a good thing. The one thing I've seen that I miss from the original is that aliens don't seem to exist on the map until you trigger them by walking in a certain area. This means that you don't get reaction fire when meeting them, they simply run for cover and wait on you to do something instead of simply opening up on your point man. This however, might be to keep you from getting massacred constantly, as the AI seems to be better than the original and having every alien on the map converge on you would be a headache.


...Particularly with those damned floaters and their ability to "jump" long distances in a single turn. :P

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I think the movement is pretty good tbh, it doesn't give you crouch/stand options but that's because these soldiers are always trying to use the cover you put them in so if you leave them in the open it won't make a difference if they crouch anyway and if you give them cover they always do! Agreed the eithr or sucks big style. I have no use for shotgun troopers yet I have a third of my squad getting trained as assault troops...


For anyone playing this now, it occurs to me that we can chat through the steam thingy if we share our usernames, if anyone wants to add me mine is Munty (or muntyboy I forget which one is account and which is user or whatever it is) It's good to have some company while you're playing and helps to ask a second opinion when you have a particularly tough choice to make!


I'm still doing ok at the moment though my snipers have a high mortality rate, just lost another one!


Just thought to mention, another thing I don't like is the huge limitation on detection and interception in this game. No more patrolling over 'at-risk' countries and every time you do one mission you're guaranteed to piss off another two by NOT doing theirs! There doesn't seem to be a very effective means by which to lower panic in countires apart from the missions you recieve so far but if there is please tell me so I can calm down Russia and France who are on 4/5 bars at the moment!

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Ah but there's a difference between allowing functions to be performed but making them difficult to accomplish and leaving that feature out altogether... There was very little wrong with the way interception worked in the original game and I think they've changed more than they necessarily needed to with this one. I'm not saying it's bad or anything but I think in realistic terms it's pretty ridiculous that XCOM isn't allowed to hook up to every sattelite in the world and dispatch military craft from all the funding nations :P
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Just had my first reload moment when my sniper missed a shot at an enemy about 3 tiles away. Now normally ok, I'd take that it was a 50% chance of a hit and get over it (my snipers keep dying anyway) but in this instance I've lost 2 troopers to zombies (hit me for 9 damage!!!) and am close to losing the entire mission as the Chryssalid is I think too close to my 4th trooper to escape... So I figured to give myself half a chance I'd save the sniper and give him another chance. He missed, again. That's a probability of 0.25. I still wanted to see what I could do with this mission if I managed to make the shot so I reloaded again. And he ha now missed another 10 times. For those of you into your maths, there's a probability of just 0.1% that he could miss that shot 10 times in a row. So yeah, my sniper sucks... And Chryssalids and their zombie offspring are WAY overpowered (even compared to the originals!)


Think I got the maths a bit wrong but if I did that makes it even more unlikely tongue.png And he's now missed 20 times in a row so I'm actually beginning to wonder if the chance to hit is fixed before I even take the shot. The liklihood of one of those twenty shots hitting when every single one has a 50/50 chance is staggering and I just cannot understand how it's still the same result every time!


Still testing this and he's now missed 10 times in a row with his sidearm as well... This is same savegame, same man, same place, same enemy. 10 time sin a row he's missed with a pistol that gives him a 97% chance of hitting, I'm not even kidding! How is this even possible???


Now 10 misses shooting at the Chryssalid which is a 98% chance of hit.


I'm going to go ahead and confirm this unless someone can prove otherwise. Maybe it's some sort of clever trick to stop reloaders by ensuring that if an action fails then repeating it will continue to fail. Even in this scenario though I don't understand why I missed a 97% pistol shot and a 98% sniper shot the first time of taking them. That's still REALLY bad luck on my part...


Not sure what to do now to be honest, without my sniper this mission is over. And frankly if this is how bad my snipers are going to be throughout the game I'd rather have more heavies or support anyway... They're usually so good but in this particular situation it seems impossible for him to hit ANYTHING!


Yup, confirmed...




XCOM creative lead Jake Solomon said random number generation in the game works exactly as intended:

We use synchronous random in combat so the player can’t just reload when they miss a shot. Now, obviously there are ways around this, but this is a decent way of ensuring that the player’s choices do matter.

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Ah, I just had that age-old email scam from the Nigerian Royal Family in the game - they want two Sectoid corpses in exchange for 20 credits! I thought I'd give it a whirl as it's not my money and they paid out... maybe I should dig out that email to claim some of their vast fortune in real life? ;)


I'm playing this on Normal difficulty and playing it safe with lots of cover. No casualties so far but I keep running out of money quickly - currently that's the deciding factor on the next terror site as the UK is willing to pay ;)

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Lost a sniper sad.png First casualty, second UFO (layout suggested Large Scout from the original).


Now playing my first Very Diffcult mission to keep Canada on side. If it goes wrong, I shall follow South Park the movie and sing "Blame Canada!"


Edit: Beat that, now facing Chrysalids. Soooooo not ready for them!

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