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Posts posted by 10of40

  1. I have a fun revenge tactic: The Group Hug Of Death


    Alien shoots one of my people. I PSI alien, and take his grenade out, prime it, and keep PSIing him and his friends until I get them into a cluster. Next turn... boom.

  2. Quick note: If something happens to take out the road beneath the HWP, the tank is screwed (IIRC).


    Another useful piece of strategy:


    Hmm... X-COM is not an Equal Opportunities Employer. I review each and every soldier I hire. If the stats aren't to my liking (particularly bravery and PSI), I give him the boot. Better to only keep the best and not get the wusses promoted.

    Sure, I might be a bit short-handed for a mission, but hey, it works.

  3. Okay, spill. What are some of the cheapest and most "unfair" tactics you've used against the buggers?


    This 'cheap trick' (but it's for the good of the planet!) has served me well, but it can be a bit maddening to put into play. It's quite simple, really: when I find the blasted alien ship (and this works best on medium scouts), I post oh, about four soldiers with high reactions. All of them face the door and are positioned so that any alien trying to get out is quite dead.


    Standard Demolitions: I enjoy seeing Sectiods standing near Cyberdiscs. Less targets to shoot at.


    I've also noticed that if you use a grenade on a Cyberdisc, it will NOT explode. However, if it gets shot, it WILL go up.


    If the top has been blown off of the smaller UFOs (Large scouts in particular), I sometimes lob a grenade or three in there.


    I carry primed alien grenades on all of my soldiers if I'm going into combat against Cryssalids, just in case.


    Gee, I love terror ships... especially when I can get my rocket tank in there. :(


    This has only happened once, but have ye ever tired of playing "Hunt the last alien" on a terror mission? Did you have laser weapons? I clear-cut the entire town.

    It took forever, but I got the bastard.

  4. I have to say I hate the mutons. Personally. I've seen them take 3 heavy plasma rounds and not drop.


    If it were a choice between Ethreals and mutons, I'd take the Ethreals any day of the week, provided I know my own PSI stats. Why? Ethreals drop in 1/2 hvy plasma shots, and carry their OWN heavys.


    Screening new soldiers is expensive, but so necessary.

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