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Posts posted by bman654

  1. the low level shields only stop 2 or 3 points of damage each before burning out. So 2-3 shields will only stop like 8 points of damage. Hover your mouse over the shield to see its "capacity". Compare that to your soldier's health to get an idea of how little protection that is. You have to load your soldier down with the low-level shields to make them useful. Carry 8 or so and you will usually survive a gunshot with only minimal injury.


    Later tech shields perform better.

  2. Updated (just in time for his next release I guess :blush: ).



    you have another day or two. There's some significant changes in v3.15 related to the CAF ship research tree and the alien UFO tactics and arrival schedule. I've done all the hard work and just have to finish up.

  3. Some people actually enjoy the un-modded game. I wasn't one of them, hence my mod. No one has exact figures on how many play the game un-modded vs modded. If you "watched" the forums you'd think everyone hated it unmodded but that is probably biased since the "haters" are going to be the most vocal.


    My biased opinion is to play modded. If you want to see the difference, then try playing one game-month and at least 1 combat unmodded. Then install the mod and play another game-month and at least 1 more combat. That should let you decide which you prefer fairly quickly. Note: don't overwrite your savegame from before applying the mod, because once the mod is installed, any new saves ar enot compatible with the unmodded game. If you decide you prefer un-modded, you will need your "unmodded" save after uninstalling the mod unless you want to start the game over.

  4. Well, it appears to be 3.06 now... What is the difference between easy install and regular? Because I have nothing against an install being easy. :blush:



    The easy install is...easier to install. No need to mess with xbig and packing and stuff. Just unzip the zip into your UFOET\data folder and you are ready to play. As illegal_youth alluded, there are some advantages to doing the non-easy install. But IMO they are not worth it if you are not computer savvy as you will bang your head against a wall trying to figure it out otherwise.

  5. You can get at the TFTD UFOpedia images the same way you get at their UFO counterparts; with XCView.


    TFTD uses a different set of palettes then UFO, and some of the image files are in a slightly different format. I can make it work, but it'll take me a couple of days or so to gather the time.



    Thanks for the link. And your program. It was invaluable for me.

  6. How do five different races and 16 aliens (2 of them tank-sized) fit into an alien Scout??


    Capture and interrogate some live xcom aliens to find out the answer to that question. Also it sounds like you are playing with the Varied UFO Crew option enabled and set to a frequent setting. That is what causes so many different race types to appear. Normally you wouldn't see more than 4 races in one combat.


    Finally...I just uploaded v3.04 which has some balance changes to make the beginning game a little bit easier.

  7. I've since polished up my own converters for release (seems I put them in the Maps section for some obscure reason - what was I thinking?!). Haven't heard any complaints about them, though I do have nagging doubts that they aren't perfect. Lemme know if they give you trouble.


    Hi, I used your pck/gif converter to extract all the XCOM:UFO unit gfx for use in my UFO:ET mod and it worked just fine. HOWEVER when I tried to extract unit graphics from TFTD your converter crashed. Do you know if it works with the TFTD gfx? Also do you know of any tools to extract the ufopedia gfx from TFTD?



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