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Posts posted by Ste_uk

  1. What machine are you running this on? I've found that version of the game runs quite nicely on my 1.5ghz CPU...


    Sure you didn't set the scroll setting to the fastest by accident? :eh:



    AMD xp2400, 1gb RAM, ATI Radeon 9700 PRo GFX Card.


    Number 1 is the slowest scroll speed right?


    Its not just the geoscape thats too fast, the whole game in general seems to be running faster then i remember it doing. IE the soldier movement on geoscape, when im viewing the world and have 5secs time on, its moving more then 5secs if you get me.

  2. Hi guys, my mate and i were talking the other day about the very first games we played. mine was XCOM! loved it to bits. Found a link from this site to fileplanet letting me download XOM UFO Enemy Unknown Collectors Edition.


    Im having a bit of a mare trying to play it tho, the entire game seems to be running faster then what i remembered it did. The scroll speed when im at crash sites makes the game unplayable, the cursor makes the map just shoot to the other side.


    Ive tried using something called CPU killer, but that did SFA.


    Anyone got anymore ideas plz?



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