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About Mattimeo78

  • Birthday 05/30/1989

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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. I know quite well that you do not sell Elerium-115 under any circumstances, and that you should also research weapons like the Plasma Rifle and that just on the off-chance that one will be in the field (Never hurts to pick one up as a bonus insult after you blast an unsuspecting Sectoid). I never skip terror missions, and almost as rarely flee them because I found out the hard way how bad such an act can be. I currently have my listening posts as just a Gravity Lift, a Long Range Scanner (To be replaced by a Hyperwave Decoder later on), a Storage Facility, and a Living Quarters. Fairly cheap, and eight armed guards are sufficient to cover the lift (I have it made into a small square, so everything boxes in the lift). Your advice does help, as despite my thorough knowledge of the game, there are some things I have not quite gotten the hang of. I thank you for the assistance, and do not be surprised if I have more questions in the future or just some stupid comments. Always room for idiocy with me.
  2. I hate to resurrect an old post, but I was reading this last night and I developed a further question. What happens if a Floater hovers over a person who is lying prone? (Not in terms of UFO - EU... Perhaps if Floaters had been brought back to Apocalypse and one floated over a prone soldier, or even if it were to happen in reality) Would they be crushed? Set on fire? Atomized? What do you all think?
  3. I have never tried the 'Listening Post' idea because I am not the most versatile of people and rather stubborn. I know it can be somewhat problematic and expensive, but I try to make all of my bases 'Main' bases; ones that can do everything, as the manual suggests. I suppose I should give the listening post idea a try, and spend more time on the game as a whole (I tend to research whatever I feel like, but not necessarily what is important, and sometimes even skip missions... Elerium-115 has not become as hot a seller for me as it has for you quite yet). If I put my first base in Northern Mexico/Southern United States of America, where should I put my 'Listening Posts'? I am playing UFO - EU at beginner, though I suppose I could play on a higher difficulty. There is still the odd thing here and there I have not experienced in the game (Even some monsters... The robed, psychic ones are still foreign to me... I think I have seen a Muton or two, and I have definitely not seen the one that looks like a robotic Reaper) and do not feel need to push my luck. As for the construction of the Avenger... I was just psyched to build something that does not fall apart when it gets too close to one of the larger enemy crafts. I never make a big deal out of researching plasma weapons, either. I have found that, as far as I have ever gotten in the game, Laser weaponry has been sufficient in dealing with the opposition (With the acception of Cyberdiscs, who prove to be troublesome in some missions despite my two rocket launcher troopers and Launcher HWP. They always seem to have surrounded the Skyranger whenever I begin a terror mission; I do not know how many times I have lost an HWP or a soldier on the way down the ramp.
  4. I would like to note that I am new to the forum, and although I have read only the odd topic that has caught my eye, I can see that this seems to be a friendly place. It is nice to meet everyone. I have been playing UFO - EU for some time now, although because of my constant alternating between the three games and the fact that I too play games in 'Phases', I can still be considered perhaps somewhat of a noob. I had just started playing UFO - EU again a day or two ago so that I can better assist my girlfriend when the need arises, for she too has found an interest in it (Alongside Half-Life, another of the games she pinched off of me to pass the time until she can find an X Box for sale), and I have come to be somewhat proud of my progress. I am currently maybe three months into the game now (Game time, of course) and I am building the 'Ultimate Craft' (Avenger? I forget which one it is), have several Sergeants and Captains (All in Power Suits), am using Laser weapons (I know, but I have been doing quite well without the heavier weapons), and am facing almost every alien encounter with fair success (Rookie or Squaddie casualties mean little thanks to my Rookie stockpile, though the death of any higher ranks is upsetting). I only have one base at the moment, though I plan to construct another soon enough, perhaps after I raid the alien base residing within Africa? I was curious to know what everything thinks of my current progression and to hear how everyone else can compare. As a side note, I had my first major encounter with Chrysalids (Nearly a dozen of them with an ensemble of Snakeman guards and several Cyberdisk jockeys occupying a fairly small terror site) and I believe I had seen my first zombie (Hunched fellow, looks like he has a running nose). When I shot him he ripped open like an old serpent skin and a new Chrysalid climbed out. Is this multiplication a side-effect of their assaults, or do they just hide inside people (Thus creating zombies) and I did not happen to spot this one prior to his actions? Perhaps the ability to multiply like this is what makes them so dangerous? Nothing a laser beam or two could not handle. This is off topic, yes, but a question that had been nagging at me. I thank anyone who is willing to read all of this and still give me an answer.
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