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Posts posted by -WK-

  1. Now this may be only me, but here is what I did:

    I disabled every form of pausing and most of the logging/notice in Tactical Options. This way I'd solely rely on my own senses of what I hear or see for when to pause the game. During some missions I've seriously jumped when an overlooked foe sneaked up behind me and started gnawing/shredding my units. Damn you Flatsters and Stars!


    I recommend this for every hardcore player to try. :mad:

  2. This problem came up after the 1.2 patch, I saw nothing like it before. I suppose I'll try reinstalling if the problem persists and see if that helps.


    -WK- how often does the pause before saving seem to prevent the corruption?

    No clue, since I never got it so far except for yesterday when I was in a rush and just saved without pause. And one of my fingers is glued to the F5 button, so you could say I save fairly often. :lovetammy:




    Related: I just had this annoyance where the game would crash when the mission is completed and after loading the geoscape. I've noticed that the crash would occur with something looking like the lower part of the globe missing. What I did was spam the fastforward hotkey during the change between the loading screen and the geoscape (the black screen). Have to test if this is really a reliable method.

  3. For some insane reason, the game requires you to FIND the appropriate weapon before you can research its ammo. I was able to get around this for the 0.50 caliber weapon (the Barrett sniper rifle) by manufacturing a Barrett rife, taking it with me on a mission, and dropping it during the mission. Even though at the end of the mission you will not see it in the equipment found list, the game counts it as a "found" weapon. When you get back to the Laputa and the Research section, you will find that you can now research the ammo. Works, btw, with any weapon.

    Unbelievable. This actually worked. Many thanks, dude!

  4. Just change the keyboard layout to english and it should be the tilde button then. It worked for me, my native isn't english either. It's the button left of the '1' key, and should make an ` (acute accent) not an ' (apostrophe) . Or you can doublecheck by pressing shift with it, the output should be the ~ (tilde).
  5. I've started on the hardest setting first thinking I'd stand a chance after having played all the previous games. Guess I was wrong. After 5 battles and losing half my men without any chance of saving them even with constant save/reload I gave up and restarted on normal. The first difference I've noticed is that morelmans are cake on normal. They run like a madman in harder settings.


    I might try going at it again once I finish my normal game.

  6. Well.. my brother and me are playing the game simultaneously. He got to research AP Ammos without having the 0.50 Browning ammo sniper rifle. :\


    I've raided a few cultist territories, but nothing new. I'm at the point now where I'd have to start the wargot subcampain. Thank god I have the USG and plasma shotgun now, so I can kill them fairly fast without conventional firearms. But still, it'd be nice to use AP instead of XP ammo in those M60s.


    Is there a way to edit the saved game for this?

  7. I've tried doing a search first, but it came out with totally unrelated results.



    So I'd already have to fight Wargots, but I usually avoid those encounters by repetead F5/F8 (the attacks are random generated). The reason is:


    Doesn't the biggest caliber sniper weapon -forgot name, often refered to as tank stopper with only mediocre accuracy and really slow RoF but huge damage and range- that uses 0.50 Browning ammo qualify for this? If so, I may have a problem at hand. Or is there another weapon that qualifies for this? I rarely ever fought Cultists so I may have missed a weapon or two. As you can see I could already research the Special Ammo, but still no AP and I suffer from this against Wargots. I have to use twice the amount of ammo on each mission and I'm also prone to getting hurt in the killing process since it takes twice as much time.





    Ever went into Squad menu while in Psi viewmode? The models are doing some funky aquatic dance.





    First post btw

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