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Posts posted by KoMik

  1. Strange, because it worked pretty well (even there was couple mistakes) when I tried it. Did you load a save game and then tried in base? Modified AutoLoad scripts aren't in use in base if it's already entered. You have to restart campaign to get them work in base, but in random encounters and missions they work ok.


    P.S. Here is my s3Commol.l file for you, I also fixed the bugs from the previous post's code box.


    https://koti.mbnet.fi/sil5i/mods/s3Common.zip (4k)


    Btw edit: Notepad is not good for coding (it's actually not good for anything :laugh:) so try this one...



  2. Try these...


    function unitIsActive( unit )
    local a = (IsValid( unit ) and UnitCanFight( unit ))
    return a
    function resetHeroValues()
    if unitIsActive( GetHero() ) then
    	UnitSetSkillMaxValue( GetHero(), ST_ENGINEERING, 75 )
    	UnitSetSkill( GetHero(), ST_ENGINEERING, 75 )
    	UnitSetSkillMaxValue( GetHero(), ST_MEDICINE, 75 )
    	UnitSetSkill( GetHero(), ST_MEDICINE, 75 )
    	UnitSetSkillMaxValue( GetHero(),ST_AP,  60 )
    	UnitSetSkill( GetHero(), ST_AP,  60 )
    	UnitSetSkillMaxValue( GetHero(), ST_STEALTH, 50 )
    	UnitSetSkill( GetHero(), ST_STEALTH, 50 )
    	out( "Hero reseted" )
    function resetMemberValues( unit )
    local uName = UnitGetName( unit )
    if (unitIsActive( unit ) and (uName == "VIPER")) then
    	UnitSetSkillMaxValue( unit, ST_SNIPE, 75 )
    	UnitSetSkill( unit, ST_SNIPE, 75 )
    	out( "Viper reseted" )
    elseif  (unitIsActive( unit ) and (uName == "ABALA")) then
    	UnitSetSkillMaxValue( unit, ST_MEDICINE, 75 )
    	UnitSetSkill( unit, ST_MEDICINE, 75 )
    	out( "Abala reseted" )	
    -- add you own skillNames and skillValues to all skills for the current member
    	out( "No values to reset for that name!!! ", uName)
    out( "Reseting ends" )
    function resetThemAll()
    local party = GetParty()
    local hero = GetHero()
    if hero == nil then
    	out( "No hero found!!!")
    GroupRemoveUnit( party, hero )
    for i = 1, GroupGetSize( party ) do
    	local unit = GroupGetUnit( GetParty(), i )
    	if (unit ~= nil and unitIsActive( unit )) then
    		resetMemberValues( unit )

    Now you may use:

    - resetHeroValues() for hero

    - resetThemAll() to your whole group (be sure you set values for all mercs' names to resetMemberValues function)


    But what does UnitSetSkill do?

    I'm not actually sure, but I think it sets the value correctly after UnitSetSkillMaxValue command.

  3. So if I understand correctly, once I configure the script, I can basically reset my characters the way I like -- skills, attributes, perks -- with a single command resetMemberValues( 1, 2 ) in the console, right?

    Yes, but would recommed the chance to make as many custom functions to AutoLoad script as you wish.


    Can I use the character's name? For example, resetMemberValues( Viper, Abala )?

    Well, I'm not sure about Sentinels, but Hammer & Sickle has a command which can check out unit's name, you could try it:


    local uName = UnitGetName( unit )

    if (uName==VIPER) then




    Is there a way to run the script every 60 seconds or so? I know some mods have done stuff like that.

    Yes, you could use SleepForTurn() command or just Sleep( 100 ):


    function startResetingHero()

    while (unitIsActive(GetHero() ) ) do






    When you enter a map, write startResetingHero().


    Or maybe I can bind the command to a key in my input.cfg.

    I do not know about binds.


    Oh, and if I can push my luck: Do you have a list of all the perks numbers (UnitTakePerk XX)? I used to have one back in 2006, but I lost it when I upgraded my computer. For example, perk 94 = look for free, perk 57 = stop bleeding, etc.

    I had this in old S3 store... sorry about the jpeg format, but I'm/was too lazy to write them all ;)



    Ha! Brilliant. Thanks so much! :laugh:

    No problemande. Cheers!

  4. I don't know about freezing XP growth, but you could modified a AutoLoad script by adding there custom functions with skill commands to your characters.


    function unitIsActive( unit )
    local a = IsValid( unit ) and UnitCanFight( unit )
    return a
    function resetHeroValues()
    if unitIsActive( GetHero() ) then
    	UnitSetSkillMaxValue( GetHero(), skillName, skillValue )
    	UnitSetSkill( GetHero(), skillName, skillValue )
    -- add you own skillNames and skillValues to all skills for hero
    function resetMemberValues( member, class )
    if class == 1 then
    -- soldier?
    	if unitIsActive( GroupGetUnit( GetParty(), member ) ) then
    		local unit = GroupGetUnit( GetParty(), member ) 
    		UnitSetSkillMaxValue( unit, skillName, skillValue )
    		UnitSetSkill( unit, skillName, skillValue )
    -- add you own skillNames and skillValues to all skills for the current class member
    elseif class == 2 then
    -- grenadier?
    -- continue same way to next characters' classes

    If you make it like that, then you could just open console and write resetMemberValues( 1, 2 ) to reset your second merc's (which I assume, is a grenadier) values and so on.


    AutoLoad scripts are in "scripts" folder and can be used via console. Maybe you should write your functions to s3Common.l file (and maybe copy-paste a backup file first :laugh:). if you are using Notepad, then save the file via x-close button because the special file format. AutoLoad scripts will be loaded when you enter a map, so in-mission save games doesn't use new, modified, scripts.

  5. If the mod affects to scenario missions, like this on does, only way to play it properly is to add the mod from the start, via custom game screen. When starting S2/S3 campaign, game creates all maps which are going to be used, so you can't change them later with AddMod tool, only values, strings and random encounters can be modified.


    ... at least so I assume... :laugh:

  6. Script PlaceTemplate() don't place costructions (walls, floors). Only objects.

    That script actually works okay and I have used it in one of my unfinished mods.


    PlaceTemplate( templateID, "waypointname" )



    I used it combined to a WaitForUnitWaypoint trigger which was placed on a wooden shield in one (wooden) house. After character stepped near the shield, sequence started and removed the shield and placed a secret room under it. The ground under the house was already removed in the editor and house's and template's floors were indestructible.

  7. 1. "original database" wtf? I can't find such an option from any of the editor menus.

    To run or create a profile, use the initial dialog box that appears when you launch the editor.


    2. Can't find the editor manual. Not from the cd(or game directory) , neither from web.

    I think you must install the editor first to get the manual available (Start>All programs>JoWood>Silent Storm>Editor manual or YourGameDirectory/EditorManual). Almost everything what can be done with the editor are described quite good in the manual.


    btw... if I don't remember wrong, there's a update for the editor as well. Install it if you want to make a mod. If you are just checking scripts or stuff, then the update ain't necessary for ya.

  8. Just there to the next line under the script babble?

    I wrote it almost at first line:



    // generated by S^2, do not modify





    exec .\cfg\input.cfg

    exec .\cfg\config.cfg





    What about the SQL editor? I downloaded one, but it works with SQL or PRC files, which I can't find in the Silent Storm folders.

    If you want to get the editor working, you should read the S2 Editor Manual's (.html) first and last page. Editor must be installed from the original CDs during the installation process. If the game has already been installed on your PC without the installing map editor, click on "Uninstall (repair) game" shortcut in the Silent Storm program group in your OS Start menu and choose "Add/Remove component" option in the installation wizard, then check "MapEditor" option in the next dialog box.


    Then install MSDE (v 8.0) from the orginal CD. You may look for updates for it from microsoft.com.


    When all necessary is installed, reboot PC and run the editor with "original database" profile. Then close and run the editor again. Create your own profile like "my_database" just not to mess with the original.


    If you have something what you want to check out or edit, just ask or try to find out (editor manual).

  9. He got a gun, he's a broker, he likes hookers and gambling. "In the real world the good guys ralely win", what that supposed to do with that guy? AND why casino's security is holding his arm? No more bets? "Game over for you, looser!"?



  10. I dunno how to increase skill growth, but like Blunter said, you can increase hero's and party members' skill values with sripts. To do so via open console:


    local unit = GroupGetUnit( GetParty(), # )

    // next from hero is #1 and so on

    UnitSetSkill( unit, nSkill, nSkillValue )

    UnitSetSkillMaxValue( unit, nSkill, nSkillValue )


    // If you want to edit your hero, then just

    UnitSetSkill( GetHero(), nSkill, nSkillValue )

    UnitSetSkillMaxValue( GetHero(), nSkill, nSkillValue )


    nSkills are:




















    local unit = GroupGetUnit( GetParty(), 2 )

    UnitSetSkill( unit, ST_MEDICINE, 50 )

    UnitSetSkillMaxValue( unit, ST_MEDICINE, 50 )

    // third party member's medicine skill increased to value 50

  11. Lenn in Bears Pit said Q3 2008.


    This nice interview sure got my tactical finger itching (even a smoke feature is still missing, but maybe the SS-engine just can't handle it).


    Four different factors/plots (+do what ever you want plot), locals, 40 mercs, sci-fi mode and multiplayer modes means much playing alright. Hopefully all characters in the game have unique personalities like in previous JAs.


    In the future, we think a rather surprising sequel may be possible...


  12. Yea! Steampunk is quite influenced by Jules Verne. I love his stories and inventions (hmm.. it just been so long when I have read them... so maybe it's time to read them again). In his mind, he created spaceships, flying machines and submarines before they even exist. He is the world most translated writer.


    I also found that many seemingly different looking objects and models used the same (or very similar) geometries. The differences were achieved by creating visual illusions via shading and color manipulations. Especially some of the 3D looking details on objects that turn out to be not really 3D upon closer examination...

    It's called bump texture.



  13. I am curious as to what you would argue in this matter...

    You are right, there is nothing to argue about, at least I hope so. They usually just end up to "I'm not fast and furious enough vs this is boring and unrealistic - matches".


    When making TB or RT game, they could/should be developed by focusing to strengths what makes TB or RT action interesting and fun. If the main goal is to make strategy game which includes hundreds of units, meant to be fast, there's lots of happening at the same time and it should be as realistic as possible, then RT. If the main goal is to make game where player is allowed to focus one unit/character at time, there's lots of different possibilities for movements/actions and micro-management (verry untrendiszh :D), then TB. I think both are fun if made well and with good "taste".


    I do not go to single character games, because, after all, this the StrategyCore. :)

  14. I don't want new games, I want developed games. I mean, released game's gameplay should include familiar but developed features, mechanics and systems - and it should be playable and interesting from the begin to the end, of course. I don't mind if is it TB or RT.


    Hopefully developers just keep on developing and don't pull off familiar (ex-gen?) systems from their list... I think, there is still room for developing and new innovations in every genre. Nothing is perfect, never. We are living in the incomplete world.


    P.S. Matter of tastes could be argued till the end of the world, so I won't go there...

    P.P.S. I think turn-based are better! :D

  15. "Steel sheet" (Or "Tin"), for instance (it's in Russian though :blush: ).



    I would be interested to try this one. Game's messy interface, civilian characters and environments look like they have be surprised by the forces of nature. Icons are sketches, characters strange and clothes dirty. Cool. They have even managed to add shotgun.


    Hmm, I think this might be a mission based combat action game. If so, then pity. I would like to see more role playing and strategy games with SS-engine. Anyway, I'm eager to check out this game's story, characters, campaign structure and editor if it ever get translated.

  16. Are you trying to lock the camera angles over the mercs' shoulders? Then remove possibility to view map free. If so (it sounds pretty nice idea... at least in theory), then just change those angle numbers and test in game. I have never tried so I dunno exact coordinate values for yours "only shoulders view(?)".


    There is also complete free camera modes which can be set via console (scripts). If I don't remember wrong they were:


    CameraMode( PC )

    CameraMode( MAYA )

    CameraMode( FPS )

    (or just cameramode PC/MAYA/FPS ?) :blush:


    camera control should be enabled through the menu..

    far to few options there..


    i dont like maya camera view.. just cause it converts domr moving directions..

    its the best to go trough walls and stuff so i use it at special szenes..

    try to change the camera settings in the autoexec.cfg


    you find help at the camera-section at s2hq or just use these:


    mission_camera_limits 30 1 90 -1.8 -0.05

    mission_camera_softlimits 30 1 90 -1.8 -0.05

    mission_camera_zoom_speed 0.3

    mission_camera_pitch_speed 5

    mission_camera_yaw_speed 1.5

    mission_camera_scroll_speed 1.5


    this gives you a better zoom possibility to zoom near and far.

    camera scroll speed in my cfg speed is higher too


    Btw, one easy way to add first person camera angle - view from eyes. It's not for pointing and giving orders (using cursor). It's just for fun.


    Open \cfg\input.cfg file add line:


    bind eyeview 'F11'

  17. 2. OK, so far, so good. But now I save the game in the middle of a mission or RE, exit to Windows, start the game again, and load the file I saved half a minute ago. Miracle! It works fine, I'm able to inflict criticals and there are plenty of flying messages – until the first reload (which otherwise takes triple time).




    Any ideas?

    I have encountered the bug (no criticals & lowered damage) as well while on-and-off modding with my new developed version of RandomStorm. The bug have something to do with corrupted game loads. One and maybe only way to avoid it to happen could be if player save/reload on global map, not in mission or RE maps. In big and long missions, when you have to save, restart the game before reloading (if criticals are necessary). My g-card is so old that I usually have to reboot after an hour of playing anyway.


    If I find a way to get rid of the bug which corrupts loads, there maybe will be a small modded campaign mod release (demo for the new kind of RS3mod) on fall... hmm.. maybe. :)

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