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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. CNN-fed Hollywood-numbed US game-buying public won't spend cash on anything which isn't strictly Government Issue. No, I know you lads in the States don't all think like that, but distribution companies (for games, films, comics, whatever) think you do. Try and re-educate them by not spending your dollars on going to see the latest instalment in the Hollywood rewrite of military history. Full marks to Nival for reflecting the international nature of the World War, as well as the professionalism of some of those involved, on both sides. Booby prize to the US distributors for missing the point.
  2. I think there must be an upper limit on character levels in the game. In several places it says "No character can have all of the special abilities", so I'm guessing that unmodified play won't let you go past lvl 25 or so. Not sure yet, though, as I finished the Allied campaign with no one over lvl 6, and I've only got my squaddies to around 8 or 9 on the Axis campaign so far (only three main missions so far though). Anyone levelled up past 20 or 25 in normal play?
  3. Yeah, that's what I thought. I've just seen the post about the Big Joe, so I'm off to look for that; my guess is that the little one is in North Britain as well (cos the ammo's there), so I'll keep searching. That would mean there are three or four rare weapons in this zone, though, which is quite a lot... If anyone knows which map area it's in, I'd love to know. In fact, if anyone remembers which map areas they found unusual stuff in, that would be great - I'd settle for just zones, so I don't spend hours staring at flashing random encounters on areas which I've actually picked up everything useful from. :wink:
  4. Right, I've played through the Allies campaign and I'm in the middle of the Axis campaign now, and I want to find the Little Joe pistol. I've found plenty of ammo for it in an underground complex in North Britain, stashed in a locker, but I can't seem to find the pistol. Anyone know where it is? I know the cheat code for getting it, but I want to find it for real and I get the feeling I'm just missing something.
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