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Posts posted by pakkua80

  1. I use Plasma Rifle. They are good if your team have a mixture with Alien Laser Rifle. Plasma Rifle seems to be damn slow(rounds per second). Some times I do use Grenade launcher. This are the combination I use if I ever take on the KILL ALL Transgenant Mission in a urban terrain. ( All this happens before I even go into Russia Area 51 ) so I have change my combination with using all sorts of BOMBING ( GRENADE LAUNCHER ) , and those Alien Bombing device( I forget the name(it's in the heavy category weopon, and I think it's one of those plasma device)), and em .... some alien laser rifles and gattling guns !!. ( This is for terrain fighting ). For UFO Base.. SHOTGUNS and Alien Machine guns( Slug guns ), and the Flamethrower are the best bet. As for human Base attacks , just get your guys equip with one of those PSI Projectors ASAP.... and Gattling guns and stay put in the RANDOM location they put u. As for the AREA 51 in US and Russia... I finish the IN BASE mission in just mere 5 minutes. There is a trick(safe corridor) to go through. I can't really describe it now. But it have to do with the lane or room on the right (facing north) of the FILE CABINET room ( where the room of the items you are suppose to pick up.) before you reach that lane u have to go through a STORE room and a LAB before you go to the lane. The only problem you will face is some 2 aliens at the store room. Just gather 6 guys are the door facing the store rooom ( which is quite near to the starting point ( the lift ) )than get your fastest guy (reckon ) to rush straight out through the lab and go run straight through the path that I have pointed out. You get back safely for sure. As for the TERRAIN fighting b4 you get into the base ... I think there are comments from the other guys facing some Rocket Launcher issue. All I do is to kill all those alien at the Far corner ( the bushes ) which holds only the laser guns.and stay put there for a while and send out my fastest man out to the road going towards the main gate of Area 51 ( Russia ) where I will be kind of like being spoted by Launcher Aliens. I will use my reckie to run left and right to dodge the Launcher, and while doing this my 3-4 squad member will be armed with laser rifle and plasma to go to the far end of the road to go near the alien. While the remaining of the squad will armed with Smoke, Acid, Incidiary grenade to sneak towards the Alien Area ( Gate and the road side and just throw hell out of it and while not to forget to distract the launcher. By this time you should be able to kill all the launcher with the laser rifle squad. Maybe I was lucky to have 1 Launcher Alien and 2 Rifle alien at the Gate. The rest of the dumb alien is staying at the back of the Wall ( Near the booth)and was because I flank to the left of the map at the first place and never even gone near the gate. After taking down the 3. I just bomb and grenade the aliens at the back of the wall ( I bomb the wall down and saw the Alien after I save the game and reloaded ( cheated ) hahaha ... anyway , it works. )




    Oh ya, After all this typing, What does the damn PLASMA SHOTGUN DO ???? I can't even kill a Fly with it !!!!

  2. that Mr. gray mission ? ya, just bring 2 guys with Heavy armour and Big round of colapsible machine guns and shoot every Alien insight. I didn't even Move a step even after i drop in. I have another 5 guys with mixture of alien laser gun and some plasma guns and shotguns to take care of nearby aliens. There are some aliens on the "SLOPE" or HILL top that you can't see which is on your left and right. They won't bite you if you are not in their sight. Just kill all those f*****s in 50 meters away. than bomb both sides before you move your choose your fastest guys to lure them to your machine gunner. That will keep them off instantly. I did'nt suffer a bit on this mission. I hate Alien base missions .... I need to rethink on the strategy on the Alien base.
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