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  1. If the game is to be more realistic, it may lose its appeal. So it's a matter of balance between fantasy, gameplay, storyline and realism. What if every mechanics in the game is just a scale of a much bigger picture. Time taken to research may be shrunk to so fast in order to support the flow of the game. Each soldiers may represent not one unit but a company or division. Although this theory seems far fetch, do not forget that this is after all a game. KOZLOV - what if the aliens are from a barren asteroid or a moon like planet whereby gravity is non existence? Even assuming that they come from a planet with gravity, just putting a bigger engine is not as simple task. Wear and tear of UFO has to be tested within the environment. Unless all UFO is equiped with gravity stabilisers like in the STAR WARS X-WING fighters, how are the aliens going to cope with the + and - Gforce? The greatest weapon humans have is the will to live and hope. Just review our history. We were down but never out.
  2. Hi all, First time here and been following your topics. I'm from Malaysia and been following the news for umpteenth months. Will be a while till I get a copy of UFO:AM. Very exiting and interesting topics. Especially regarding the ability of the humans to actually go toe to toe with the aliens. Well I have some teories which I would like to discuss. As we can notice almost always, alien weaponary have been classified loosly as 'beam weapons' (eg. lasers, ion cannons, plasma, etc...) Now, space is vacuum and this will enable such weaponary to perform to it's optimum potential. So probability is weaponary were design for 'space combat' for max. impact. Thus when going against local fighters, these UFO's with superior tech. may come across some difficulities due to several espects: 1. There is no vacuum here. We have air, gravity and all kind of forces that may effect results and efficiencies. 2. Though UFO generaly travel at exteme speed, friction does not happen in space. But on Earth, it's another matter. We can only guess what kind of negative effect it has. 3. The fighters were designed in accordance with the laws with governs earth. The pilots knows the pro and cons while the alien.... who knows what they think. Even if they had done research, I'm talking academic discovery vs pure experience in combat warfare. 4. That still leave the part about our conventional weaponary being able to actually shoot down UFO. Well nothing so bizzare about it. If any of you have read or seen the movie 'DUNE' by Frank Herbert, you know that the Artedis has a kind of personal shield which is impenetratble by beam weaponary. But just for the sake of punching a hole in the shield, the Harkonen designed a weapon which sort of 'drills' it's way into the shield. The way I see it, these shields protects against beam weapons but fails miserabely against projectiles or 'impact weapons'. This may be due to the defects of beings possessing superior tech. If I have something that can stop big beam, what can a tiny bullet do to me. 5. Accuracy of their weaponary effected due to world conditions, high speed battles and such which my guess are not caliberated for dog fights or should I say not meant for fighting inside atmospheric conditions. By the time the aliens have adapted themselves, humans already have researched higher impact weaponary and fitting it to their fighters. Callabration will be fast and minimal as these weapons will be set to fit Earth conditions (or should I say due to limited human intelligence but still work to our advantage) Even if the aliens have experience in earth type warfare in different world, no two world have the same criteria and physics. Hope you guys didn't fall asleep. Great to be here and greater still to have inputs from you guys and (gals). signing off.
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