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  1. Past hour
  2. :: Redout 2 and Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms are currently free on the Epic Games store.
  3. The apparently barren, quietly hostile, chilly surroundings only seem to help us keep our cool. We do it all by the numbers and the numbers start to increasingly add up, without much of a hitch, even with the little jumpscare episodes NKF and then the Dragon Hawk / FA duo had with trigger-happy aliens. A process of unrelenting elimination follows, culminating with Gimli definitively restoring peace and signaling the return to the warmth of the shiny new transport vessel. Places like these always put him in the mood for a good sampling of Vodka for some reason... A good warmup afterwards and a trio of new chevrons bestowed to the upstarts, it's best to get on with it as the clock is already ticking for a real outing. Screw your heads on straight and be on your toes - we're going heavy duty!
  4. Today
  5. :: Zombie survival sandbox FPS game 7 Days to Die is now officially slated for full release on Steam on the 25th of July.
  6. :: Video - Stargate: Timekeepers | Team interview
  7. :: The Elder Scrolls bundle is back on GoG with a 73% off launch discount.
  8. :: Stellaris' most recent dev diary provides a preview of the changes being prepared for the upcoming 3.12.5 "Andromeda" patch.
  9. :: Victoria 3's latest dev diary is about the upcoming map and pop setup changes for the "Sphere of Influence" expansion.
  10. :: Video - Prison Architect 2 | Dev diary 1: Say hello to the new devs!
  11. :: Underwater first-person mech action horror game B.C. Piezophile is purportedly "coming soon" to Steam. Demo out now.
  12. :: Retro-styled fantasy life sim Sun Haven has now been graced with a major update, as detailed here.
  13. :: Deep Rock Galactic's Season 05: Digging Deeper is now out, as announced here.
  14. :: RPS's Edwin Evans-Thirlwell writes about Monster Hunter Wilds.
  15. :: PC Gamer's Harvey Randall writes about Helldivers 2's latest update.
  16. Recon Vessel It's an arctic base landscape this time. On turn 2 we now see a Rarach on the roof of the building next to the lift so Mouse will shoot at it (with crappy ammo unfortunately): The first auto shot did 14, 9 &38 damage. On his second auto shot the first bullet did a very decent 42 damage which killed it: During the alien's turn another Rarach comes around the South corner of the building and is met with reaction fire from Nook. Looks like the first bullet is going to be a hit: It does a massive non-critical 68 damage while his second bullet hits for 50 and kills it: See why reactions (and shooting) is important for overwatch? Nook moves to the front of the transport to cover that side of the building. The next turn another Rarach is spotted by him making it's way over to us. It stops short so when it's our turn he'll shoot at this one too: The first bullet hits for a very healthy 60 damage while the second hits for a critical 70 which kills it: That's amazing! When NKF opens the door of the building, a Rider just inside the door shoots at him for no damage thankfully. He'll shoot back: The first bullet hits for 30 damage which takes it out: Two turns later and CG spots another Rider closer to the other building along the same side as before so he'll take an auto shot at it: The first bullet hits for 62 damage which kills it: Weakling alien, but wow, nice shooting! Nothing much happens for a bunch of turns. Just to keep the team busy I have some of them pepper the that small building to the north as there's usually an alien hiding in ambush inside there. Eventually when the hole is big enough we spot a Rider in there which Dragon Hawk will shoot at (with crappy ammo because he has bad firing accuracy at this distance: One bullet misses while the other two are absorbed. The Rider then shoots back at him with heavy photon beamer ammo which caught him and FA in the blast but both shrugged it off. DH will shoot back at it: He hits for 6 & 18 which kills it: That seems like low damage for a kill, so it's possible that all the shooting we did earlier did some damage to it. The next turn there are two Riders standing next to each other on the north side of the building. Sorby thinks that screams for a grenade: The blast looks pretty good: It kills the one on the right as it deals 36 damage to it. But the blast only does 14 to the other. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, so Sorby will toss another grenade on the survivor: It does 17 damage which kills it: Two turns later Gimli reaction fires at another Rider in nearly the same spot with his photon beamer: The first blast hits for 17 damage but a second is on the way which be a hit too: That killed it which ended the mission! Let's check out the EOM report: Three promotions and none of them killed anything? Awesome! Let's allocate some points then. Knan and Loonie were promoted 6 times so there's 30 points we have to play around with so both get the same treatment: As usual, the most points go into shooting and strength to get those near 90, then a few into throwing to make that usable and the rest into agility, vitality and bravery. On to Kret next who was only promoted once: Five points don't go very far, but he got 2 in strength and shooting with the last going in throwing. Not bad at all, at least those stats give him the ability to do something. After getting back to base it's right back out to do that heavy cruiser mission as it's next to our main base: This will be a muti-part mission again as there were lots of aliens (new ones too!) plus alien cannons to worry about. So join me next time for that! - Zombie
  17. :: A summary of the upcoming guide about Field of Glory: Kingdoms' FAQ can now be found here.
  18. :: Frantic roguelite top-down 2D shooter Whacking Hell! is now out and available on the Epic Games store, GoG and Steam .
  19. :: Classic base-building RTS game TFC: The Fertile Crescent is now fully released and available on GoG and Steam 20% off until June 27th.
  20. :: Inventory management roguelike RPG Megaloot will be released and become available on Steam sometime later this year. Demo out now.
  21. :: RPS's Edwin Evans-Thirlwell writes about top down art adventure with light RPG elements Mental Salvo.
  22. Our recent promotees are looking more buff alright. Maybe they'll be able to start pulling their own weight now. They might pass for actually competent members of the squad too for a moment longer, acting smug before the rookies realize we're all in the meatgrinder anyway and everybody needs their backs watched with little room left for posing. Meanwhile, others have been actually doing their jobs and shooting down the enemy from the skies. We're up - lock and load, people!
  23. :: Video - Elden Ring | GameSpot's Dave Klein goes over purportedly everything to know about "Shadow of the Erdtree" DLC
  24. :: Video - Indie.io | Full showcase // IGN Live 2024
  25. :: First-person survival skiing game set in a post-apoc endless open world Polyaris will become available via Steam Early Access in the last quarter of the year.
  26. :: Polygon's Charlie Hall offers his impressions on Unmatched: Slings and Arrows, a tabletop board game standalone expansion.
  27. :: Post-apoc turn-based fantasy RPG Vagrus - The Riven Realms' "" DLC is now out and available on GoG and Steam. Shortly to come out on the Epic Games store as well.
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