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  1. Today
  2. @SV: well spotted, Online Editor SV. This one was a legit finger-slip. The game isn't even that expensive, but you never know these days, in-app purchases or premium currencies creeping up everywhere.
  3. You know, I've seen practically no typos in your posts ever, but I did see a lot of wordgames, so... Is this intentional? Cause I can imagine all sorts of paychological horrors!
  4. The lesson for today; grenades are always a good option... Must say I agree wholeheartily.
  5. :: Sci-fi psychological horror game Flathead is available on Steam.
  6. :: Destiny 2's "The Final Shape" expansion will go live tomorrow. Learn more here.
  7. :: Story-rich fantasy turn-based 4X strategy game with dynamic real-time battles Songs of Silence will become available via early access program on GoG and Steam tomorrow.
  8. The short version is: "Good idea. Please do it." The long version is that StrategyCore/UFOpaedia has/had a lot of people (including me) very willing to do massive amounts of testing on UFO/TFTD but not all that many willing to do it on the remake (I've never even played it). And, well, you can't put something in the UFOpaedia if nobody knows it - somebody has to find it out either via testing or code-dig. Contacting modders (such as those responsible for Long War) might help you with a code-dig. As for simple testing... well, my general advice is "if you want something done, do it yourself".
  9. Yesterday
  10. Patrol Vessel Part 1 This mission is on a cityscape type of map, not my first choice, but it's the only one the game would give me. Let's do this then! Not much happens for the first couple turns, but on turn 3 we peek down below to see a new type of alien! Sorbicol it going to test the waters by tossing a normal grenade near it: It does 20 damage -not too shabby all things considered. Okay Kret, test the water some more with another grenade: It sets off another explosion doing 56 damage to the thing but that's not enough to kill it: Well, this new alien is called a Rarach and so far they don't seem too difficult to damage. Killing is a different matter though. For now we are going to let this one be. The next turn it's gone (of course). Four turns later we spot another one (maybe it's the same one) down below again. Sorbicol will toss a normal grenade on it: The blast does a very healthy 61 damage which doesn't kill it (must be a different Rarach). MikeTheRed has taken a peek down there and sees another nearby. Sorby is going to throw an incendiary grenade on the other one to see how that does: This blast does 25 damage which isn't terrible, just not enough: Kret will now throw a normal grenade on the flame kissed Rarach: The blast does 45 damage which was excellent, and it also set off some "cars" which are exploding too: He still has some APs left so he will spend them tossing a photon grenade on the first one: It does 47 damage and finally kills the alien: Yup, we could have probably just shot at the thing and killed it too, but I was worried about them shooting back. The grenade thing seems like a pretty safe way to get some damage on them with minimal fuss. Accounting Troll will throw a photon grenade on Mr Toasty: The blast does 34 damage and kills it: We breathe a big sigh of relief. The first big hurdle has been cleared. It doesn't last long as another Rarach is spotted down below on the next turn. Sorby will toss a normal grenade on it to start things off: It only does 21 damage. Kret joins in and tossed a normal grenade and an incendiary grenade on it doing 18 & 29 damage respectively. It's still alive so NKF will toss a normal grenade on it: It does a healthy 50 damage which kills the thing: So far, so good. But we've been using a lot of grenades on these aliens and our supply is pretty limited. Luckily no more Rarachs show up so I send MikeTheRed down the lift to keep an eye out for aliens trying to sneak up. Four turns later a Rider comes by to say hello so MTR will greet it with an auto shot: Totally forgot he had normal ammo loaded so it took a lot of hits and shots to do enough damage to kill the thing. His last bullet did an impressive 56 damage which took it out: The next turn there's more Rider action as another one is spotted on the other side of the transport. NKF will toss a normal grenade on it: The blast does 39 damage and kills it: Atta boy! Two turns later NKF spots an Iron Rattler even closer to us. That's in Mouse Nightshirt's throwing range so he'll toss a normal grenade near it: It only does 23 damage which means Dragon Hawk will toss a grenade near it next: It only did 12 damage but was enough to kill it: A couple turns later a Rarach stops near the same spot so Kret will throw a photon grenade on it: It does a pitiful 11 damage so Sorby will tempt fate and do the same thing: This time the blast does 27 damage. NKF will now show these rookies how it's done with the coveted golden pineapple: It's a weak spot kill for 110 damage: Jeez, maybe I should have brought more of those along! Join me next time where there's a big gunfight at the O.K. Corral between Crazy Gringo and two "cowboy" Iron Rattlers. (Maybe this city's name is Tombstone)? Then we deal with the numerous UFO cannons and take out more Riders. Edit: I'm still currently #3 on the Steam leaderboards for UFOs shot down at 5889. That's ahead of schedule which I'm happy about. The other day I had a "marathon" month shooting down UFOs. At the beginning of the month was a swarm which my bases took out quickly without any interceptor intervention. A few days later a group of 6 smaller UFOs spawned in and before we could take them all out another group of 6 medium-large UFOs showed up. We shot them all down and a few days later another group of 6 various large-very large UFOs showed up to cause some havoc. We carefully downed them all. That's all before mid-month. Then there were some smaller UFOs sprinkled in there until the 31st when another swarm spawned in. Unfortunately we were only able to take down half of them before the end of month report, but we finished the rest off and all was good. It was well over 50 UFOs for that month which was uncharacteristic for the game. Not complaining one little bit. - Zombie
  11. :: Partisans 1941 is now 85% off, New Star GP 40% off and Nucleares 15% off in Steam Daily Deal.
  12. From research to statistics of each in UFO, to more nebulous values like Weapon Parts dropped in EU/EW, just feel like we should make pages for 'em if we have pages on research trees, UFO classes and official developer shoutout'd fanmodes. People should know openly on these values. Especially Weapon Parts.
  13. :: Video - Stellaris | The Machine Age // Our favorite QA and beta testers' builds
  14. :: Survival horror game Panicore is available on Steam 10% off until June 7th.
  15. :: Colourful sci-fi roguelike game Shoulders of Giants , that is to also become available on Steam sometime later this year, now has a prologue.
  16. :: Wargamer's Matt Bassil offers his brief impressions on upcoming post-apoc tabletop miniature skirmish game Mutant Year Zero: Zone Wars.
  17. :: Eurogamer's Rick Lane reviews retro dark fantasy RPG Skald: Against the Black Priory.
  18. Last week
  19. :: Video - Call of Duty: Warzone & Modern Warfare III | Gundam Mobile Suit bundles
  20. :: Fantasy roguelike deckbuilder Warlords of the Deck will become available via Steam Early Access sometime during June. Demo out now.
  21. :: Gory 2D roguelite top down shooter Kill The Cute is now fully released and available on Steam 20% off until June 7th.
  22. :: Iceberg Interactive's 15th anniversary sale, Holdfast: Nations At War, Chernobylite Complete Edition and Operator (Early Access) are now being featured in Steam Daily Deal.
  23. :: Video - Disney Dreamlight Valley | IGN's Travis Northup also reviews this fantasy life sim
  24. :: Video - Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game | IGN's Travis Northup reviews the asymmetrical multiplayer title
  25. :: RTS game set in the medieval era Eyes of War's latest major update, "Evolution of Nyseroth", is now out, as announced here.
  26. :: Third-person sci-fi RPG Hyperfantasy Mimesis is purportedly "coming soon" to Steam.
  27. :: Fantasy city-building game inspired by Finnish mythology Goblin Camp will become available via Steam Early Access sometime later this year. Demo out now.
  28. :: Video - The Wayward Realms | Life of An Adventurer gameplay trailer
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