Tidings Of War

by on 8th Aug 2013

Long has been the silence. But, after almost a year without a single sign of civil unrest we've finally caught wind of recent subversive action concerning Zachtronics Industries' Ironclad Tactics.

As a refresher:

Ironclad Tactics is a real-time, card-based tactics game set in an alternate history Civil War - with steam-powered military robots! Follow the adventures of Maxwell Prosser and Joseph Ashdown as they are thrust into the war as engineers for the Bureau of Steam Engineering.

Intel update:

(...) We're aiming to release Ironclad Tactics on Steam sometime in September. If everything goes according to plan, preorders will start sometime in August. The game will be available on Steam for Windows first, and then Mac and Linux shortly after launch, and will make use of Steamworks multiplayer and the new Steam trading cards system. (...)

Heartening news indeed. And while the hostilities do not start in earnest, Boiling Point, a short story set on the Ironclad Tactics Universe is available for your perusal here.
