On The Brink

by on 26th Mar 2013

From the Netherlands we hear of an impending war. Famed for their Iron Grip titles, the developers at ISOTX rise to herald the onset of the great conflict in their upcoming March of War, a turn-based strategy MMO.

March of War is set in a unique 1940s dieselpunk era and rendered in stunning 3D graphics. The game brings Triple-A production values to the TBS format. Players can savor the rich tactical challenges typical of a TBS game, while also enjoying the high production value battles complete with immersive 3D effects, unit movement and audio-visual bombast usually reserved for first-rate RTS games!

Decide where your loyalty lies between six ferocious factions ruling in a 1940s dieselpunk world. Grow your character inside your faction and lead them to supremacy. Take advantage of your faction's special units and abilities to gain territory on the battlefield, or organize thousands of other players to rally behind you in a greater strategic effort. As a leader of your faction, negotiate peace, wage wars, build thermonuclear weapons or conduct terror to liberate yourself from others. Your country needs you, and you can rewrite history!

Choose and develop dieselpunk technologies unique to each faction. The sheer size of the walkers of the European Alliance is enough to strike fear in the hearts of your enemies or pick the retro-futuristic war planes of the United Republic that never miss their target. Combining elements of dieselpunk and pulp fiction each of the six factions in March of War allows you to have the most outrageous war machines at your fingertips.

A couple of early videos offer a very quick glimpse at units of two of the factions, theĀ United Republic and the Soviet Union.

Upon launch the game will feature PvE, PvP and Co-op on the PC and across mobile devices. March of War is currently charging headlong towards beta, which shall purportedly be reached by April 1st.
